39 yr old male 220 lbs 5ft 10in. Pain lower left abdomen stool has blood and mucus. Stool changes. I do have acid reflux and internal hemorrhoids but this has been consistent. Is this cancer? I also have severe ptsd combat vet. No family history
HELP! Scared I have cancer: 39 yr old... - Colon Cancer Conn...
HELP! Scared I have cancer

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Hi DisabledArmyVet,
Thank you for posting on Colon Cancer Connected. First of all, thank you for your service and holding the line on freedom👍👍. Were the internal hemorrhoids the diagnosis for having blood in the stool? Or is this something completely new that you are experiencing. I would say the combination of the abdominal pain and the blood in the stool is definitely a reason to get them checked out and getting a good answer for what’s going on. This will go a long way to help the anxiety. You should also know that there can be many reasons for what you are experiencing. It just needs to be narrowed down. I wouldn’t jump to the conclusion that it’s cancer, but I would say it’s something to get checked out and determine a good answer.
I do wish you the very best in getting on the path to being well. It’s not gonna hurt to get it checked out and get some good answers. Again, thank you for your service.
Thank you,
~Tom, GCCA Survivor - Colon Cancer Connected Site Administrator.
Just a reminder - this group is here to offer support, share experiences, and offer our thoughts - but this is not medical advice, and you should always consult your medical professional(s). Additionally, for all emergencies, seek urgent medical care, never delay.
no diagnosis yet… blood work all normal… CT scan with dye all normal, urine normal, cbc normal. I have been having ongoing hemorrhoids for a long time since I sit for work and barely move. However this looks maroon colored and I was told hemorrhoids are bright red. This was my morning bowl so could an overnight hemorrhoid bleeding be a little darker in the morning? Never had black stool so no worries there. Im scared to death but seeing GI very soon and getting a colonoscopy. I was also told I have GERD because I have a tender xiphoid to the touch.
Good results on the testing. Not sure if the visual of blood is distinctive of source? How old the blood is could be. A lot of times there can be undetectible blood. I never noticed that sign in my case. However, thinking back I may have tested positive with a FIT test. I never did that as I went straight to removing my tumor.😞
It's great your seeing a GI soon and have the colonoscopy lined up. Early screening and detection is key. You should get some great answers and direction to take from that.👍
All clear per Dr. 2 polyps removed 2-3mm no sign of cancer per Dr. biopsies taken and submitted. Internal hemorrhoids found. Also diverticulosis of large intestine without perforation without bleeding. 1 polyp colon … 1 polyp rectal. Endoscopy: Chronic gastritis without bleeding
Well, that was very beneficial and you got some answers and can focus on those. Looks like the internal hemorrhoids were the cause of the blood? Good Dr. comments and we wait for the histology report. Did Dr. mention some surveillance procedures since polyps were found?
Standard stuff, 7-10 years next check increase fiber, diet, exercise. Those Polyps come back Benign 99% out of all polyps submitted ever of that size. Biopsy is just protocol. Just like skin moles/tags.