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Terrified of cancer not being taken seriously!

lyla32 profile image
4 Replies

So I’ve struggled with what I thought was haemorrhoids for over a year now, with occasional blood in the toilet. As I had no other symptoms I wasn’t worried, and just used creams etc for the haemorrhoids. However, I am aware more recently I have been straining to go to the toilet but sometimes my stools can be more runny, seems to switch between too hard or too runny and there’s no in between. Fast forward to the present, I still get what I class to be as haemorrhoids, but today while on the toilet I passed an extreme amount of blood, like a very extreme amount. I almost fainted when I saw it in the bowl, it was bright red and there was a giant clot on the top. Knowing that my haemorrhoid still felt sore but fearing the worst, I phoned the doctor and explained my various symptoms. She’s convinced that I have some sort of split or fissure higher up my rectum instead of a haemorrhoid because it hasn’t gone away in a year despite treatment, and she doesn’t believe I have any cancer like symptoms and therefore won’t refer me today, even though I told her about the changes in my stool consistency recently, said I felt nauseous yesterday and had some bloating previously as well. She’s basically written me off because I’m 18 and statistically not as likely to get bowel cancer. I understand that, but with my major health anxiety, since the appointment I’ve felt so sick and my stomach feels abnormal like I’m hungry almost but know I’m not. I’m not sure what to do because she’s said that I have to use a new cream to treat a potential fissure for 2 weeks and only then if that doesn’t work she’ll refer me to get a colonoscopy but I’m not sure how I’m supposed to function the next 2 weeks because I can’t shake that there’s something seriously wrong with me. She’s saying it’s not a tumour but is refusing to get it checked even though I explained about my health anxiety and that I needed reassurance.

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4 Replies
GCCA-Survivor profile image

Hi lyla32,

Thank you for posting in Colon Cancer Connected. I'm sorry that these symptoms are causing you anxiety. It sounds like you have two things going on here. One with the bleeding (possible fissure) and one with the change in bowel movement consistency. I am glad you are already trying to get answers from you doctor. That is great. Proud of you!!! You are staying way ahead of the game. Exactly what you need to be doing.

There are a lot of things that could be causing this and not necessarily cancer. And yes, a colonoscopy would go a long way to get answers. There seems to be a focus on the fissure and yes an large % do heal without surgery.

Yes, you are very young. You have that going for you and that's great. But that should never be a reason for avoiding further investigations as to what you have going on. You are never too young for a colonoscopy and your doctor has not ruled that out. That is great news to hear. And hearing that, I think your doctor is taking it seriously, but wants to investigate the known hemorrhoid and possible fissure. I don't think she's written you off because she brought up the colonoscopy as a viable step in the process. I would be worried if she had completely written that off due to your age.

And I absolutely know where you are coming from. Let's just do the colonoscopy and get all the answers in one procedure and be done with not knowing exactly what's going on. I know with my cancer fight, there were certain protocol therapy treatments I was put through that ended up not working, but it was like they had to be tried first to see if there would be a potential benefit.

As far as the fissure is concerned, it looks like there are some topicals like Nitroglycerin and possibly lidocaine hydrochloride for whatever pain may be in the area along with stool softeners and fiber supplements over a 2 week period is standard "fissure" protocol. If it is a fissure, then these things should help it. And 2 weeks seems to be the time period. I see where your doctor is getting that.

The stool consistency where you said "stools can be more runny, seems to switch between too hard or too runny and there’s no in between" is strange. Not sure why a fissure would cause that to be going on. There can be a lot of reason going on here. If that's not the normal or has not occurred before, that may be a point of contention to address with your doctor. I don't know if there is a relationship between fissure and hard & soft stools. I see constipation is usually associated with a fissure. And if this is just occurring for the first time, perhaps ask your doctor how that could be attributed to a fissure?

I do wish you the very best in finding answers. If you continue having the stool consistency issue, ask the doctor about that. And if you are not seeing any benefit from the fissure protocol topical ointment process, make sure you keep in touch with your doctor about that.

Please let us know what you find out. It can definitely be helpful to others.

~Tom, GCCA Survivor - Colon Cancer Connected Site Administrator.

Just a reminder - this group is here to offer support, share experiences, and offer our thoughts - but this is not medical advice, and you should always consult your medical professional(s). Additionally, for all emergencies, seek urgent medical care, never delay.

Alloagirl profile image

Hi, just a small comment here. I also suffer health anxiety, have done for the last 30 years, longer than you have been alive. One of my symptoms is severe nausea, as Tom has said, just use the medication , two weeks is not too long, then further tests if not cleared up. The trouble with anxiety is that you can make yourself really ill, with real physical symptoms . I am sure it will work out fine, Good luck and best wishes.

CHA85 profile image

Hi, I know exactly how you feel. I ended up in the ER due to anxiety attack after having weird bowel movements and blood. A lot of blood. After having my first colonoscopy I found out that I have internal hemorrhoids and that even a small a mount of blood will look like a lot once it hits water in the toilet.

Glad you will be having the procedure. It’s not easy trying to relax with no answers. I am prepping this weekend for the procedure on Monday. I again am having unknown issues. I even have a history of colon cancer in my family. I am trying not to think about it and telling myself that we will take it as it comes.

Hope all goes well.

poetrygirl49 profile image
poetrygirl49 in reply to CHA85

I trust all goes well with your procedure today.

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