Some emotional support needed :( Maro... - Colon Cancer Conn...

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Some emotional support needed :( Maroon blood in stool and when I wipe.

Jazzy1990 profile image
20 Replies

I have spoken to my colorectal surgeon again and he said cause I’m almost in my 3 trimester he can’t do a camera test as more harm can come out if it. Today when I wipe I saw maroon/brown stool on tissue paper sent me to panic again! Have had this for 9 months now. I won’t be seen by surgeon till feb next year. My anxiety is sky high.

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Jazzy1990 profile image
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20 Replies
Dia89 profile image

That’s awful Jazzy1990. Could you afford a private consultation? If you are in the uk, Spire hospitals are open back to the private patients .

Jazzy1990 profile image
Jazzy1990 in reply to Dia89

Being pregnant has kind of stopped me from being seen, no doctor wants to risk it and now that I’m in my 3rd trimester the definitely won’t.

Nuttyrider profile image

Have they checked your bloods? What's your CEA level? Why cant they do a ct scan as your so far on

Sorry your having such a hard time

Jazzy1990 profile image
Jazzy1990 in reply to Nuttyrider

They’ve checked my blood cause I’m pregnant and I do have low iron but they are attributing that to pregnancy.

Nicole_GCCA profile image

Hi Jazzy1990,

I'm so sorry to hear you are still experiencing these symptoms. Is there anyway you can see another doctor? There has to be something they can do before you have the baby... I know this is causing such great anxiety. I'm really sorry and hope that another doctor may be able to suggest something they can do to figure out what's going on, and not have to wait until after you give birth.

We're here for you!

~Nicole @ GCCA

Jazzy1990 profile image
Jazzy1990 in reply to Nicole_GCCA

Unfortunately nothing :( will have to wait till baby comes.

Dalph87 profile image

I saw the pic you posted, it is blood, but it can even be from so many things (hemorroids, fissures, an ulcer, IBD), and it's high likely you have one of these other than the big C, the risk is 4% anyway (so very low, unless you have family history) and I think you're still quite young.

Let us know how it goes.

Martinmartin profile image
Martinmartin in reply to Dalph87

4% for all age groups. For symptomatic patients of 30 years it is still much lower.

Jazzy1990 profile image
Jazzy1990 in reply to Dalph87

I really do hope it’s nothing serious, I’ve had it for 9 months now. But the blood has been my only symptom so trying not to be all pessimistic and dark. But having blood for so long even a little bit can’t be normal must be something causing it.

Dalph87 profile image
Dalph87 in reply to Jazzy1990

Can even be just a colon polyp, they do bleed like that, some more than others.

Don't forget that age is on your side, its high likely you have something like that rather than cancer.

Like I said the risk is low, the majority of people do not get cancer, if you look at the percentages it takes a lot of bad luck to develop it, unless you have family history (even in that case, its not guaranteed, you only have higher risk).

Colon and rectal polyps occur in about 25% of men and women aged 50 and older. Not all polyps will turn into cancer, only 5% of them will, and it may take many years for one of them to become cancerous (usually 7-10).

Just take all these numbers in consideration and realize that its high unlikely you have that. Let's be realistic, I understand you are afraid but try to stay positive, at 30-35 the risk is still minimal.

Best wishes to you and the baby.

Jazzy1990 profile image
Jazzy1990 in reply to Dalph87

I get what you are saying, somewhat age is on my side but the amount of 30 year olds I have read that had something sinister says otherwise. That’s why I’m so scared. At the moment just trying to get through the next two months till baby’s born. Can’t believe I’ve been suffering with this for that long. Thank you for the good wishes.

Dalph87 profile image
Dalph87 in reply to Jazzy1990

Yeah, I heard the disease is on the rise even for young people, but its the law of the big numbers, we are billions on this planet so I dont see it as being impossible.

More people = more chances for more of them to have it. Some of them have family history, others poor diet, others just bad luck. C. has always been a thing of every age tbh, just more prevalent in the elderly.

Hopefully you can have some peace of mind after the baby will be born.

I still don't think you have it, and please be sure to let us know how everything goes. Thank you.

Jazzy1990 profile image
Jazzy1990 in reply to Dalph87

I will do, whenever I finally get it looked at, it’s just horrible living in that fear. I really hope you’re right and it’s nothing serious.

Dalph87 profile image

Did you try to ask for a virtual colonscopy? Its a non invasive procedure and the accuracy is very similar to the standard one.

Jazzy1990 profile image
Jazzy1990 in reply to Dalph87

Pregnant and exposing baby to radiation is risky unfortunately :(

Nicole_GCCA profile image

Hi Jazzy1990 , you are in my thoughts - I know this is causing you such great anxiety. The baby is due in December, is that right? You mentioned above they won't see you until February - curious, why is that?

I hope your pregnancy is going well other than what you've shared here.

We're thinking of you!

~Nicole @ GCCA

Jazzy1990 profile image
Jazzy1990 in reply to Nicole_GCCA

The baby is due at the end of December I could even go overdue to January, I’ll have to heal up before they do anything so most likely January I have to call them again in January. They act like the bleeding will be gone by then so they need to re evaluate so annoying. If it hasn’t stopped bleeding this whole 9 months I doubt it will stop by then. I’m trying to keep positive for the baby don’t want negativity and anxiety affecting the baby.

Nicole_GCCA profile image
Nicole_GCCAPartner in reply to Jazzy1990

Jazzy1990 You are doing a great job keeping positive for your baby! I'm sorry you've had to go through all of this. We appreciate your participation in this online community :)

Dia89 profile image
Dia89 in reply to Jazzy1990

Hi Jazzy, have been thinking of you, how are you doing?

Olaolu profile image

What you can do for now is, eat healthily. After you safely deliver your child (or children), get an appointment with a gastroentorologist. So you can do a radiograph and most possibly an endoscopy. Also, alleviate your stress level. Learn about anti-angiogenesis and cruciferous foods that help you to do whatever it is to rescind your fear. I also think it should be possible for you to do a stool test now, they arent really reliable tho.

And most importantly, I wish you a safe delivery and good health going forward!

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