How do they differ from ordinary rigid plastic AFOs ?
How do they work?
Do they make walking more energy-efficient?
Do they help at all with balance?
Are they available on the NHS - in Scotland?
How do they differ from ordinary rigid plastic AFOs ?
How do they work?
Do they make walking more energy-efficient?
Do they help at all with balance?
Are they available on the NHS - in Scotland?
Hi, I got really horrid afos on nhs here in Surrey. Gave up after at least seven appointments. What they made for me hurt and the off the shelf ones also cut into me. Back to square one so if you have any luck in Scotland please let me know. Thanks. Gail
Hello to Amanita .....
The name D.A.F.O. (Dynamic Ankle Foot Orthosis) is a 'brand' name for Cascade Dafo Inc, which is a Washington USA, state-based company, who manufacture some lower extremity braces that provide a thin, flexible, external support to the foot, ankle and/or lower leg:
They were originally, and specially designed to help a pediatric (child) patient, maintain a functional position, a DAFO can improve stability for successful standing and walking: They now can be used by adults:
Different from a traditional Ankle Foot Orthosis (AFO), which is typically stiff and rigid, a DAFO is characteristically thin flexible and wraps around the
patient’s entire foot in order to provide improved sensation and alignment. Initially designed for use for pediatric patients but now are sometimes used by the adult population, a DAFO encourages a range of motion, allowing children to learn movement by moving and providing minimal support, only where the patient needs it. DAFOs are frequently prescribed to assist with mobility and motor skills of children with cerebral palsy, spina bifida, muscular dystrophy, clubfoot and autism.
The concept for the original DAFO was developed in 1985 as collaboration between Don Buethorn, CPO, and Nancy M. Hylton, PT, LO. The two worked together to create a thin, flexible brace that would meet the needs of pediatric patients with neurodevelopment challenges and the result was the creation of a Washington state-based company, Cascade Dafo, Inc.
I am not aware if these DAFO's would be supplied by any NHS Health Boards in Scotland ?
However you may also wish to consider Dynamic AFO's, manufactured by Ossur Products UK @
John .....(Glasgow)
Hi I have been given Ossur Dynamic AFOs by Surrey NHS see These have the support strut on the inside of the leg which I have found to be uncomfortable because of the pressure on the bottom part of the front of my leg. I am awaiting a similar dynamic AFO made by Trulife with the support strut on the outside of the leg which will avoid the pressure point with the Ossur (the Ossur only comes with the strut on the inside). I was told they were called dynamic because they supposed mirror the walking motion. I certainly found the Ossur helpful with walking and balance.
Thank you for your replies. I looked at the Ossur DAFO,Steve, and see it is made of carbon fibre . I also see what you mean about the position of the vertical strut at the front.
I asked my orthotist last week what dynamic AFOs are, and he said "it's a bit of a buzzword at the moment", and said something about springiness - but didn't actually explain. I think he is thinking about something in plastic for me at some time in the future.