Hi all,
I'm a 37 year old male in the USA. I'm married with a nearly 1.5 year old son. And.... I think I will likely officially be part of this club soon...
I have a mild case of ulcerative colitis for which I need regular blood counts tests(diagnosed in 2009) but no other major health issues other than anxiety.
First red flag was lymphocyte count of 5.4 in June of 2024. GI doctor not concerned said repeat in 3 months. Everything else was normal.
In early September I tested positive for covid but felt better within a week and did my repeat CBC. Lymphocytes count still high (5.2) and total WBC 14.3. Neutrophils also a bit high but everything else normal. Sent results to PCP this time as anxiety started to build. She suggested it was reactive to covid and said retake CBC in 1-2 months along with peripheral smear to check the cell structure. Well, I waited about 3 weeks and as anxiety grew I wanted to check the smear for reassurance everything was normal. Lymphocyte count was 6.0 this time and WBC 12.8. neutrophils back to normal and everything else normal. The blood smear showed "lymphocytosis with reactive features." No other comments. No reference to small mature cells or smudge cells or recommendations for follow up testing. PCP felt confident it was due to having covid recently. Made sense but I was still anxious.
Last month I asked more questions and PCP did an "e-consult" with Hematology to help ease my anxiety. The hematologist also felt CLL was unlikely in someone my age with my history and likely reactive as the smear showed. He suggested a repeat of CBC and if count remained over 5 to do flow cytometry.
Took the repeat yesterday. Lymphocytes up to 7.3 now and WBC 13.9. I left a message with my PCP about getting in to do the flow cytometry.
Feeling pretty anxious and discouraged. Never expected I'd be dealing with CLL but it seems likely to me.
Is it typical to have a peripheral blood smear apparently show no signs of CLL, to indicate reactive, but still be CLL? Having trouble understanding that part, yet lymphocyte count keeps going up. From what I read I thought the smear is done first and while not enough to diagnose CLL it gives a pretty good idea of either CLL or normal/reactive and then flow cytometry is done to confirm if malignancy is suspected.
Hoping for some thoughts from the group! Thanks!