I’m 73. I’m on my first treatment for CLL. I finished titration on 12 th Dec and I’m on full dose. On 20th Dec I started with nausea followed by crippling anxiety with the shakes. I am normally a calm optimist and the treatment was going well. My Gp has prescribed antidepressants and temporary diazepam until they kick in. I am seeing my haematologist this afternoon. Any comments appreciated.
severe anxiety on V&O: I’m 73. I’m on my first... - CLL Support
severe anxiety on V&O

I'm sorry that you're having this side effect. I would caution you to establish a definite deadline for short term any of the benzodiazepines and take the lowest dose possible.
It is sadly misused by prescribing doctors that do not stop its duration of use and will increase dosage. Some patients have found out that after several years of doctor instructed use that only a extremely slow taper to withstand the effects you'll feel from withdrawal will be far more anxiety inducing than what you're using now to treat the CLL.
For more information look up Dr. Ashton and benzodiazepines, she pioneered, studied, and developed a humane way to taper off these drugs (NOTE: there are some cases where this drug may be given to patients on a maintenance dosage, they may have no choice due to their set of circumstances, however, medication induced anxiety is not a valid reason to take another medication).
My opinion only, seek professional help to mitigate the anxiety of cancer medicine therapy. Should you gain remission, you don't want to spend that time with trying to escape from the meds they gave you to take the meds.
I did not address the antidepressants, but many have had similar experience to that of hypnotics.
Please speak to your CLL consultant, my hospital has a specialist cancer psychology team who can support the patients. I'm sure your GP could refer you to Talking therapy as well. Or contact CLL support group, always found them helpful and McMillan. Wishing you all the best ❤️
I had some same symptoms. I’m not a doctor but some people are reduced to a lower dose and do better. It still heals at lower doses. You can ask your doctor. It may mix with your blood sugar or you need more hydration. Everyone is different so ask and see you have options I’m sure.
Hello Sconeglass. We are a similar age. I finished V and O last June/July time. I would also describe myself as a calm, optimistic person but I did become anxious about driving and still am to some extent. I must admit I was pleased to meet someone at a support group who felt the same. I don't know if it was because of the medication. I never mentioned it to my consultant. I hope you can come off the tablets soon. Take care.
I started V&O January 2024. I also have dealt with anxiety. The steroids were brutal, and treatments are always hard on me.
My Dr prescribed Buspirone Hcl, which should be non habit forming. I won’t take benzodiazepines and the Buspirone helps enough.
I hope you get some relief.
I suspect that you have been prescribed an antidepressant of the SSRI class which is causing your original anxiety to become heightened. This is a well known and very common side effect of this class of medication. I understand that the treatment foe this side effect is to either stop the medication and change to one of another class, or reduce the dose considerably then gradually increase it over a long period.
Discuss options with your GP as he/she will be aware of the above
I think l exercise helps anxiety if you are able. Maybe it’s the endorphins released.
Also, L-Theanine, 5-HTP, and Magnesium could be beneficial if doc says it’s ok. (stay away from CBD if anyone suggest it since it may cause lymphocytes to move to the lymph nodes promoting survival)
I’m in month 10 and I find about an hour after taking Venetoclax I’m tense and jumpy and bit anxious. I think it may affect my blood sugars plus I take it immediately after dinner. I just started lexapro. I’m not sure it is helping but it’s too early. Xanax works great but is a poor long term solution. Meditation or mindful breathing helps a bit too. Worrying about having CLL can’t help anxiety but is perfectly natural.