As a result of the issues below, it looks like my only strictly dental salvage is
1. Having 3 molar implants
2. A major bridge reconstruction for my front upper and lower teeth
During my FCR in 2018 I was neutropenic and my oncologist advised against any dental work
I have since relapsed had had “all necessary dental work done” before starting V + O. But the pre treatment dental work has created a rather large problem now and am concerned about the risks of infection and failed implants if I do it.
I’ve started V + O (I’ve had 5 infusions and started the 100 mg on the way up to 400mg) and my neutrophils have declined and are low although not terribly low the trend has gone from 7000 to 1600 with normal on our lab of 2100.
Anyone have any experience with major dental work on V + O or othe treatment that causes neutropenia?