Just had a text message from my Dr not my haematologist. Just had a chest x ray done. You have blunting round the edges of your lung fields. Is this anything to worry about as I have CLL.
21Bedlam21: Just had a text message from my Dr... - CLL Support

Did you get a chest Xray because of respiratory illness?
I had a crackling on my lungs. I’m on watch and wait.
Mmm. You may be coming up on "time to treat", or you may have a pneumonia, or other lung illness. Since you have crackling, it's not likely the blunting is a "normal abnormality" some people do have. There's "something" irritating/aggravating a part of your lungs, with the crackling and now this verifies it IMO. IDK if you have or are developing asthma that's getting worse, or COPD, or a pneumonia, or what. Your doc will likely tell you, probably will want more tests.
IDK so much about "worry" as this just verifies any breathing problems aren't imaginary. A CLL diagnosis means we tend to have more "lung problems" than people without this diagnosis. Similar to this diagnosis makes us more susceptible to skin problems. So this is something you probably should continue further followup, if you don't really want to follow up with the doc and are thinking of putting it off.
Thank you. Yes I have skin cancer which is being treated at the moment. Just a bit fed up tonight. Should be grateful I’m not on treatment yet. Thanks for listening.
Non Hodkins Lymphomas, of which CLL belongs to, can have pleural effusions. It's been noted that CLL is associated with them, although it's not really common.
Pain is an indication something is wrong, please try to get seen sooner than 6 weeks. Can you at least get a CBC with differential? To see if things happen to have changed rapidly re:your CLL? I am thinking of a neighbor with CLL who was on W&W for years, slow changes, and then suddently his platelets tanked. It's unusual for people to "change drastically" if their CLL has been more of a slow decline, but not impossible. The pain is making me think, please try to get seen sooner.
Bedlam, I am no expert for sure, but I think blunting could be just some small pleural effusion they are seeing on the X-ray. A more common term for blunting or pleural effusion might be “water on the lungs”.
There are lots of causes for pleural effusion, if thats even what you have. One possible cause is cll, although its not common. Since there are so many other possible causes, I wouldnt assume anything though, and see what your doctors have to say.
The treatment, if it’s an effusion, can vary depending on the cause. If it’s pneumonia related, maybe antibiotics. If it’s heart related, then heart meds or diuretics. If it’s cll, you would think treating the Cll might help and/or drain the effusion.
But to be clear, Im just giving general information that a blunting on any lung X-ray could be some fluid build up. I cant say if thats what it means on your X-ray, and if it is excess fluid, it could be very mild and not a big deal. Your doctor will know best. Good luck.
I’m thinking of you it’s the not knowing that’s the worry and medical professionals tend to drop words which cause us to worry good luck hopefully you will get sorted soon x Chris
Thank you. I’ve to have another x ray in 6 weeks. To see how it’s progressed. It just seems everything is packing up. Kidney disease, liver affected, irregular heartbeats and now my lungs. Don’t see my Consultant until October. This is my Dr doing tests. I have my big blood tests in September. Perhaps CLL is causing the other problems.
21Bedlam21, I'm 75, W&W, WBC at 161,000, platelets just below normal. Ok, that's my CLL bio. I've been told by a nephrologist I have stage 3 kidney disease and for my age that is not unusual. I asked, what should I do? He said, "You are normal, there is nothing extra to do but stay healthy-diet, rest, exercise, have fun!" I was "floored"! I received the cure for my hepatitis C 5 years ago, still a little liver scar tissue. I have a hernia, so I'll never wear a bikini again(and really shouldn't), my colon does it's own thing when "IT" wants to instead of waiting for my permission, reflux restricts my love for Italian red gravy and boiled crawfish. I guess I could go on and on, but won't. I refuse to allow those "conditions" control me. I allow myself the pleasure of still being able to eat food, but in small portions, careful to avoid foods that are not liver friendly(especially fried), pamper myself with new activities to replace the ones I can no longer physically perform, DRINK WATER like my doctors direct. I do miss when I was younger and more able(especially the bikini!) and many less aches, but, for me, I am in control of my enjoyment and peace and I do that with daily prayer and gratitude. I pray that YOU and ALL here will be blessed with new joys in your lives. This is such a great group, forum, club, FAMILY!!!😊 Sandra
Hi, thank you for your kind advice. I think I was just having a wobble. Usually try to stay positive. I have a few of your ailments too, including not wearing a bikini. Should really stay out of the sun till I get the all clear with the skin cancer and stay in the shade from now on. I’m lucky to have got away with it for this long. I too shall try to remember your kind words of wisdom. I agree this group is amazing. 🤩
Hi Bedlam , is your crackling constant .???. I had a chest x-ray last week for what they call coarse rails (crackling ) ...I am 15 months into V&O treatment .. mine started in January , it lasts for couple of days and then goes away , leaving my lung feeling bruised for a couple of more days .... then again a month later , next month it happened again . and so on .. it gets better faster if I take goldenseal and garlic pills .. mine is in my left lung .. they said the only thing showing on my x-ray was some old scar tissue .. i'll let you know if I get an update on my condition ,,,,hope you get better soon I know it can be very disconcerting to have this condition ,,, blessings , james
I had a pleural effusion after I punctured my lungs. It was not painful in my chest area but rather in my shoulder if I laid down. The same nerve that enervates the chest cavity joins with a cluster of nerves in your left shoulder. The nerve would get irritated by the fluid if I laid down. This is one of the reasons why people often experience shoulder pain when having a heart attack.
I have also had pneumonia and that caused chest pain. The pain was worsened by coughing.
I am wary of your having pain and waiting for 6 weeks as a follow-up. Perhaps you could message your GP or Hematologist before you leave in your visit to family.
The treatment for a pleural effusion is generally to rest and avoid irritating the nerve by not laying down.
Pneumonia may need more intervention than just rest.
But I am not medically trained; just concerned.