Hi ,just like to ask i have bronchietasis,and have i just had my flu jab ,but advised to get Pnumonia vacination aswell ,as l have a low immune system to,wonder if i would be doing the right thing by having one x
Pnumonia: Hi ,just like to ask i have... - CLL Support

Most definitely, had my flu jab last week and having my pneumonia tomorrow, a must if you have a compromised immune system .
Regards Dave x
I just had my pneumonia shot Saturday. It’s important. Already had high dose flu.

Hi Lyla,
I agree with dmtm2005 and Wendy328 re the importance of getting the Pneumonia vaccination.
But make sure you ask for BOTH sorts of vaccinations – first Prevnar 13 (PCV 13), then at least 2 months later – Pneumovax 23 (PPV 23 - also known as PPSV23).
Prevnar13 (PCV13) has only been on the recommended list for a few years, and some GPs are not aware of this as it used to be only for infants. Don’t be put off if initially you’re told you don’t qualify for it. It is now officially recommended for CLL patients (as well as the Pneumovax23).
You say you’re wondering if you’re doing the right thing to get vaccinations, as you have a low immune system. Sadly that will mean you probably won’t get as good protection from vaccines as people with good immune systems, but these things are very unpredictable and even a little protection is better than none.
I had blood tests done a few months after my vaccinations that showed I'd had better antibody responses than had been expected, which was encouraging.
As you already have lung problems, it’s even more important to get as much protection as you can. The link below gives more details about vaccinations, that you might ask your doctor about.
Best wishes,

Lyla2018, as you have read by now, yes is the answer.
But, it appears you may have gotten into the wrong Healthunlocked group with your question.
Do you have Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia? I see you have been a member of the British Lung Association group and thought you may have gotten here by mistake.
No problem, but we are all about CLL, and you may want to get info from your related illness group.
Please don’t get a vaccine if you have bronchitis. Once it’s fully gone, then you can have a vaccine. Otherwise, I found that I reacted worse and became ill because of the vaccine and my extra compromised body.
Hi Lyla,
I've had pneumonia twice now, not exactly a barrel of laughs! Anything you can do to avoid it, I would have thought, would be highly recommended. I've been told that the CLL probably won't kill me, I'm more likely to die of pneumonia or secondary cancer. There's sumink to look forward to!!!
That brochiecstasis is good fun though, I feel like I need a pull through with a burning dufflecoat!
All the best,