Greetings from VERY COLD Ohio. Does anyone have issues with chronic post nasal drip due to CLL? I do t know if I'm just hyper aware now or what..I know I've had this issue prior to be diagnosed and my pcp just said it was due to vasomotor rhinitis...but it seems like it never gets infections, no fever..
Post nasal drip: Greetings from VERY COLD Ohio... - CLL Support
Post nasal drip

Hi like you I get Post Nasal Drip. It’s very frustrating. I had perennial rhinitis pre CLL so don’t know if it’s related or not. I use a range of nasal sprays to prevent and treat it. They help but never stop it.
Good morning. I’m in Massachusetts and it’s pretty chilly. I’m sitting under my electric blanket drinking morning coffee and typing this. I have a chronic dry cough and asked my oncologist if it were a side effect of Acalabrutinib/CLL. He said it’s probably due to Post Nasal Drip. My nose runs but I chalked that up to the winter. Unsure if this is helpful. Stay warm!!!!😎
I had Covid the week before Christmas. Took Paxlovid and tested negative a week later. It has taken weeks for my energy level to return however, but am finally feeling like myself. I don't have post-nasal drip, but I still have fluid in both ears - can "hear" it crackling when I blow my nose and sometimes the right ear still feels blocked. No fever, no pain so it's not infected . I also still feel as if things don't taste exactly right. Both times I've had Covid I have had no chest symptoms at all - not even a cough. I just felt as if my entire head was swollen and stuffed, much worse than any head cold. Had to sleep sitting up with my mouth open to be able to breathe. The first time I lost all taste and smell for about a week. I think it is so weird how the same virus can affect different people in different ways. I think we will be dealing with Covid now as a permanent part of our lives, unfortunately. I'm happy that now at least I should be immune for a few months. RSV is trending in my area and that is frightening. I see my specialist this afternoon and am going to ask if I can have the vaccine.
My sister had covid right after Christmas as well. Her energy level is still not good. I hope you are starting to feel better! My sister has a really hard time this go around.
Kbcjones -
Secondary bacterial infections with COVID are common. I had one that lasted a month and a half. It was diagnosed via a sinus culture when it was really bad. But once that period has passed, it's really hard to get a diagnosis, I think. Your best bet is an ENT (Ear/nose/throat or otolaryngologist).
Family doctors use a much less fancy otoscope than the ENT uses. They'll often say they see no signs of infection when an ENT does indeed. It's all about light, magnification and experience.
Yes I have the same problem. Always seems to be worse in the winter but since our sinuses are part of our immune system function it makes sense that some of it is related to CLL. But it can also be related to allergies, colds, dryness etc. I am getting over laryngitis at the moment and had just posted a similar question to the group. I can't seem to get through January these days without something!
So many things can help but it's difficult to find what works. Neil Med squeeze bottle (works better than Neti pot) according to my ENT. Flonase and Zyrtec also seem to help me as well.
Hope you find something that works for you!
Yes, I have similar symptoms. I have had for years which I imagine was the CLL manifesting. I take Zyrtec, Flonase, and Neti pot everyday. Nothing makes it go away completely. My ENT said that sometimes viruses can cause an overstimulation of the vagus nerve. He has me take Robutusin after a virus which seems to help, but I don’t take it for long periods.
Thanks Lem1. My doc just prescribed Flonase as well as zyrtec. Hopefully this will help.
I hope you stayed warm today! My cousin is a nurse in Ohio and works in an infusion center. I read some of the replies to you including from LeoPa regarding food allergies. As I’ve gotten older I’ve developed some food intolerances to dairy and wheat. Dairy can stuff my nose up and cause other symptoms. It may be worth getting checked out for food allergies. I have a friend who has intolerances to a lot of food. She believes it’s genetic and runs in her family. On this site we all like to support each other and sometimes become little detectives to help people figure out their symptoms! lol!!!😂 I hope you are able to find out the root cause behind your symptoms. Stay warm!!!🥶
ok, it’s a little late and I am tired. So maybe later I will add more but briefly. Get the scan, ask to see ENT and or allergist, or at least a RAST test. Of course try all the usual stuff, OTC nasal sprays and non sedating antihistamines.
How is your blood IGG level. If it is low, like below 400 you might have difficulty with all of this. You could google IGG and sinusitis.
hi x if you get over the counter sprays I would try to avoid Xylometazoline sprays as they just relieve temporary congestion for a few days. You can get rebound congestion when you stop and so they become a bit addictive, as they actually then cause the symptoms x
The steroid sprays are good. They reduce the thickness of a thickened irritated lining. I agree, It’s good to find what your triggers are. Usually minimum three months. A dental scan showed I had had severe sinusitis for years, without me knowing. My wisdom teeth roots were in my sinuses, encouraging infection with my CLL. Wouldn’t recommend it, but I had to have my last wisdom tooth removed. The antibiotics made a big difference.
Weirdly, I also found my post nasal drip stopped when I stopped milk! Wouldn’t recommend it for most people, but I got fatigue before I was diagnosed and was desperate to improve it. I also used to get joint pain. A friend of my mums, who was incredibly serious sensible man had found his aches and pains stopped when he switched to almond milk. So I tried it! Stopping milk, and changing to almond milk with calcium, stopped all my pain within 24hrs so it was good for me too! It also stopped the remnants of my postnatal drip. I can now tolerate cream, and mature cheese without any problems.
With anything, I would always recommend trying if you want, but if it doesn’t help then reintroduce it.
It’s important to have a healthy diet so don’t exclude anything unless it works for you. Singers have always tended to exclude dairy - for catarrh, so maybe some people sensitive! X