CLL Support is the UK charity behind this forum. All our trustees, admins and volunteers are unpaid, and we rely on our members to raise funds to allow us to do our work.
Our Christmas donations appeal is a chance for us to come together (however we can) to support the charity that has supported us, our families and our communities for the last 20 years – answering helplines, running webinars and support groups, lobbying on behalf of our community for better support, treatments and guidance through the year.
We want to continue to offer our expanded services and believe these will be even more needed in 2024 and beyond.
So, here is an opportunity for you, your family, and friends to help your charity. The charity that helps you.
What can you do? If you can afford it, please consider making a donation. If possible, a regular monthly donation would be even more helpful.
You can donate using a credit card or PayPal here:
How your money will help.
£5.00 could pay for an information pack to be sent out to a new CLL Support member.
£10.00 could pay for a one-hour helpline call to someone in need of help and support.
£35.00 could cover the cost of producing and sending an email bulletin to all our members.
£50.00 would go a long way to paying for a conference place in 2024. We also run a bursary scheme to help members travel to conferences who otherwise couldn’t afford to come.
Thanks to your generosity last year, we were able to help fund the new wellbeing website. You can find it here:
Next year we will expand it to help more people who are struggling with a diagnosis of CLL.
Thank you for your generosity! Thank you for making a difference!