I saw the message today about the proposed price control for ten drugs, one of which is Imbrutinib (Imbruvica). I agree that whether or not these changes ever take place is a huge question mark, since the Administration can change a lot between now and then.
One change from that same 2022 law that will however absolutely happen is the Change to Part D. This change will without question help all of us who take the grossly expensive Novel Targeted Therapeutic pills, which includes Imbruvica (Imbrutinib), Venclexta, etc. It will also help all of us on Medicare Part D with any other grossly expensive drugs.
The new change in 2024 is that the Catastrophic Stage of Part D Rx coverage has been eliminated. So now when we enter Catastrophic Stage, which we all do in the first Month of the year, the remainder of the year will no longer be charged to us at 5% of Cost. In other words we will pay $0. In the case of Imbruvica for example the Catastrophic Stage 5% of Cost is around $800/month. So after we have gone through Deductible, Initial Stage, and GAP (all still in our first Month), we actually fall into Catestrophic in the first Month too. Then months 2 through 12 in 2023 we have been paying over $800/Month. In 2024, with the elimination of Catastrophic Stage, we no longer will pay anything after the first Month.
For those who were not aware of this change, you now have something to be thankful for in 2024. You might also want to know that more change is coming in 2025, from that same 2022 law. In 2025 the next change to Part D takes place. All out of pocket expensed in Part D coverage will then have a Maximum Out Off Pocket for the year of $2,000. Unfortunately that change takes place after the next Presidential election, so it could be eliminated; we'll see what happens. The 2024 beautiful change for us cannot be stopped, and we all will benefit from it this coming year.