"Can any one hear me", says the Robin?
OK! Infatuation with Robins aside...
After my spectacular successful knee replacement I decide to buy myself a new mountain bike.
BUT... bear with me... I have been 5yrs remission since FCR, Lymphocyte count 0.7 so on prophylactic Aciclovir (against Herpes infection) and Co-Trimoxazole (PJP prophylaxis)
Recently I have stopped this drugs because they may be having and potentially serious side effect (to be posted about in due course when I know more...) certainly alarming symptoms.
The mechanic in the bike shop who has assembled my mountain bike (they are complex bits of kit these days) - his daughter has chicken pox, and the mechanic (who I know well) has not had chicken pox.
Potentially he has covered my new mtbike in live virus as he worked on it for 5 hours.
Herpes is arguably more serious than Covid and I am off my prophylaxis.
How long do I leave the bike before I collect it to use? Disinfecting the bike in NOT an option!
Trivial in the grand scheme of things I know. But I am a boy with a new toy...!😘
Any thoughts on how long I leave it before collection - quarantining?