I'm just curious if anyone else had a similar experience? "Real" covid is at this point this mimics my vaccine reactions. On a technical note, this sucks!
I experienced week long reactions to my previo... - CLL Support
I experienced week long reactions to my previous covid vaccines/boosters and now I have Covid

I had the jab yesterday and feel really terrible today with fever and muscle pain. On top of that my husband tested positive yesterday so I'm hunkered down at my parents house hoping to avoid. I dread to think how I'll feel if I do catch it!
If real covid is only as bad as your vaccine reactions, you could file that away as success!
My covid vaccine reactions included most of the listed negative side effects with 9 cm lymphnodes and being bedridden for three or four days. I have unfortunately experienced upwards of 80+ sinus infections requiring medical interventions that were worse than covid and lasted longer.
I did not trust the vaccine or that my damaged immune system would produce antibiotics. I stay on Natural Remedies & only caught Covid once from my son who just had received his 1st jab without telling me while staying in my home. Now here alone, I mask up wherever I go. I don’t eat out or find myself in crowds anymore. I did a speech away from everyone & still got laryngitis. I was on a bus ride masked but no one else & that started my sinusitis issues. So I actively practice Covid protocols. I still help the community by handing out Covid Test Kits & Mask but I don’t put myself at risk for no one🤷🏽♀️ And people are still catching Covid like its a joke…
I had covid 2 weeks ago. I haven't bothered with covid vaxes, since initial Novavax shots in Feb 2022. It wasn't as bad as a cold or flu, although we're all different. I keep up my vit d levels and did povidone iodine garguls and nasal sprays for a week. Seems to reduce respitory lurgies from getting into the lungs (and can't hurt). I'm on Ibrutinib.
Hi StobiMan.
I have not had a Covid vaccine for 1 year and just 4 previously (as I had some tough after effects from the last one) but did decide I would have another before winter (which we are about to go into in this part of the world). Today I went and had my first Bivalent Vaccine jab (so number 5) and now I wait to see if there is any ill effects over the next few days.
However, I have to date not had Covid and I would prefer to stay as protected as possible until I do and then hopefully not get very sick. I also, would feel pretty OK if when I do eventually get it, it just mimics my last vaccine response (which was manageable).
I live my life with more precautions than most (of the general population) and only mask up on planes, in supermarkets, and in heavily populated indoor areas. I don't mask up at work, at work events, or when I'm socialising with friends/restaurants. My rationale is that people who know me, know I'm immune compromised and would be more likely to let me know if they were not feeling well, than random strangers I might be around.. and also because basically I have to still live and have quality in my life, and it's already diminishing.
ha ha.. just sharing my own little ramble on life living with CLL, Covid and vaccinations.
You will never know how bad your covid case might have been but for the vaccines you took.
My uneducated guess as to the impact of vaccines on the cll community is that the original covid virus, before vaccines, posed a very significant risk of death to people with cll.
While covid should not be taken lightly by cll folks, it does not appear to be near the threat it was. That is probably due to the partial immunity we have gotten from our vaccines and to the fact that the most recent version of covid, while highly infectious, does not appear to be as virulent as the original strain nor pack the same punch.
I personally continue to think, based upon the evidence and statements from the vast majority of virus experts, is that vaccines do provide us with important protection from serious covid and that the risk of side effects from the vaccines is greatly outweighed by the benefit of vaccines. Vaccine deniers, and you obviously are not one, will forever cherry pick data and ignore the vast mountains of data proving that covid vaccines, while not providing significant protection from acquiring covid, provide undeniable benefits to reducing the severity of covid.
Politics vary wildly from country to country. Science should not. Yet there are only a few countries without vaccine programs, places like North Korea and Haiti. What are the chances that Haiti and North Korea got it right in not having vaccine programs while most every developed country in the world does, every political rivals like the US, China and Russia? Evidently the scientific communities in most all countries have prevailed in promoting vaccines.
I am not smart enough to know if vaccines work or are safe. I rely on the experts and to my knowledge the vast majority of virus experts worldwide recommend covid vaccines as does every doctor at MD Anderson where I treat. . Why would I think I know more than them? Sorry for diverging from the topic. I have zero problem with anyone choosing not to take a vaccine, it’s their body, their right. Pushing others not to take vaccines and ignoring the great weight of the science is another matter.
To your question Stobi, from which I wandered greatly, I did not have any side effects from any vaccine I took. I do believe that many do have transient reactions like you did and perhaps a very few had serious reactions. It seems logical that vaccine reactions might mimic reactions to covid itself. I would venture a guess that most of us on here have had covid by now and most of us who got covid in the last year or so have had mild to moderate cases. Such was not the case for cll folks getting covid early on before vaccines, they were dying at a rate of over 30% according to some studies. It was a very scary time for us. Good luck to you with your covid. I think you did the right thing in pushing through your vaccine reactions.
My covid vaccine reactions included most of the listed negative side effects with 9 cm lymphnodes and being bedridden for three or four days. Good times!