I am feeling better after 4 weekly infusions of Gazyva and 2 blood transfusions 1 week apart .... it was a sunny day here in southern oregon .. and my wife and i had a nice bike ride with our 2 dogs .. i would like some of you researchers to let me know if this article applies to us CLL patience .it was printed in June and i seemed to have missed the appropriate council to be followed . Thanks .. blessings james ------ ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articl...
Covid vaccines , boosters and shingles - CLL Support
Covid vaccines , boosters and shingles

it’s just one study compared to the many other studies that show vaccine benefits. Not being a great vaccine responser, I have wondered if I would be better off not taking the covid vaccines. But after having covid, I feel I am better off taking my chances with the covid vaccines and any possible untoward effects that they may have.
Hi David thanks for the reply . so do the other studies say you can be vaccinated and have boosters and not be concerned about getting shingles or are they just more studies claiming how wonderful the vaccines are ??? if i had already had covid i would not consider taking the vaccine . i would certainly think your natural immunity is superior to any mNra vaccine and would not want to take the chance of the vaccine compromising my natural immunity in anyway ..
the studies I have seen say, if you are immune suppressed or have other high risk factors, you have a better chance of covid survival if you have been vaccinated.
I am more concerned about getting shingles after a covid infection; not from the vaccine As a person with cancer of the immune system, I want to do everything possible to lessen the effects of covid if I were to get it again
You have to do what you feel comfortable with You take care craterlake

Good to hear you are doing well on your treatment.
The reference you provided is a letter by one doctor to the Virology Journal and has been posted about and discussed previously. The claims are thorough debunked in this article.
Hi Neil , yes i am doing much better . Thank God !!! .. . before my first blood transfusion i was barely able to shuffle into the hospital under my own steam ... thanks for the link . i new that you would probably know all about this speculative claim .. when i first looked at the article link you posted that tucker carlson had reported on it i thought ; thats all i need to know . he gives conservatives a bad name . he is notorious for only investigating what he wants to and throwing things out there just for effect so his ratings will increase ... many of them do to one degree .or another ....... i appreciated the article you sent directly addressing the speculation/ or hypothesis that yamamoto had about how the vaccine would work and how it would affect the innate immune system and his misrepresentation of the lancet article ... ... only time will tell how anyone will respond in the long run to either the vaccine or having covid ... in the meantime since my Gazyva infusions , i am even more carefull about being exposed to other people .. because of covid and other potential pathogens i have not been to church in over 2 years . .. it is hard on my wife not having that social inter action with people she loves . for example no thankgiving dinner with our family .. i have another 5 months to go with the gazyva and probably another year after that before i can act somewhat normal again . we are hoping by the grace of God that we will get through to the end . what ever that may look like . blessings , james