Safe to attend outdoor music festival? - CLL Support

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Safe to attend outdoor music festival?

Tangolover profile image
36 Replies

I am currently on Venetoclax and mask when indoors. I am really wanting to go to an outdoor music festival. There will be many people but the space is large. Is it too risky for me?

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Tangolover profile image
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36 Replies
MisfitK profile image

Only you know for yourself your risk/reward paradigm for this event.

But, things I would ask myself.

When is it? 95 degrees in the humid summer or 40 degrees next week? Most viruses don't thrive well once temp, sunlight, and humidity get high so our risk of getting virally sick outside, already low, really does plummet once temps and humidity are high enough.

How many people in what kind of groupings? Is this Woodstock or moshpit levels and spacing (and intoxication) of people, or more like a Renn fest where everyone's strolling around in their small groups and folks never really gather in more than 100 at a time.

How are your own numbers and overall health while on your treatment? Neutrophils okay or non-existent?

How much do you really want to be there? Is it a "ehh, this would be okay/fine" or "this is a bucket list item for me I've been looking forward to for years?"

If it were me...I'd go and stay to the edges of the crowds when there are crowds for things I REALLY wanted to enjoy and avoid the crowds entirely for things I didn't. I probably would arrive late and leave early to avoid the crush of entrance and exit (so, I'd be a daylight hours attendee). And I'd try to not overdo it/wear myself out (and I'd move away from any folks visibly sick)...and if allowed, I'd bring my own food and drink (although that's partly food allergies, partly avoiding handled food which would still be a place to get sick, and partly my need to stay consistent with my diet to keep my inflammation low).

But, I WOULD go and have a lot of fun!

Tangolover profile image
Tangolover in reply to MisfitK

Thank you for your response! 

It will be in northern Florida next week where temp is supposed to be 82 degrees. Usually rather humid in that area. 

There are multiple venues and some are rather small (which I prefer). I definitely won’t be in crowded, packed areas. 

My numbers are good (low red and white blood) but neutrophils are in normal range. My doctor said to start enjoying life with precautions.

I really want to go because one of my favorite artists will be there and he’s not getting any younger.

I will definitely heed the advice you give in last paragraph! Thanks again!!

MisfitK profile image
MisfitK in reply to Tangolover

Have a lot of fun and let us know how it goes!

Tangolover profile image
Tangolover in reply to MisfitK

Will let you know!

Tangolover profile image
Tangolover in reply to MisfitK

I went and had a great time! So far, no signs of illness--I did take all precautions!

lankisterguy profile image

Hi Tangolover,


I agree with MisfitK , the entire reply is very valuable. Risk reward, people density, exposure time and where and if you remove your mask to eat or drink are all important considerations.


The attached graphic is from before the Omicron variants, but the idea of better, well fitted respirator masks for a limited time is the important take away.



Time vs mask types
Tangolover profile image
Tangolover in reply to lankisterguy

Thank you so much! I have the N95 masks and will ask my companions to test before we get together and mask when needed.

KatieBlue profile image
KatieBlue in reply to lankisterguy

yes, that was even pre-delta. Delta, omicron/current variants can transmit within a matter of seconds and can also spread outdoors.

Covid is airborne and lingers in the air— think of how cigarette smoke moves through the air. Fresh air helps with dispersing it, but the more people, the more you’re re-breathing.

Risk/reward is important, but information is important also. One can’t make an informed decision if they don’t have / can’t easily access information and unfortunately it’s currently very difficult to get info about community spread (people aren’t reporting at home testing, people are often not isolating when positive, etc.).

Best to you, Tangolover, in making an informed decision.

Tangolover profile image
Tangolover in reply to KatieBlue

Thank you so much! I'm starting to feel more apprehensive.

KatieBlue profile image
KatieBlue in reply to Tangolover

I’m sorry. It’s a difficult place we’re in at this time. 😞

I find it’s very hard for most of us to realistically assess our own risks. We can hope for the best, but hope isn’t always the best filter for an outcome.

I just happened to see this tweet someone included in their’s:

(Screen shot attached)

It’s hard to weigh death as a possible outcome vs entertainment. Many times it’s just “it can’t happen to me.” And perhaps not. But then there are a number of other really bad outcomes that don’t involve dying, that don’t always end up being factored in. I mean, how does one even start factoring that in?

Best to you
Tangolover profile image
Tangolover in reply to KatieBlue

Thank you

RosettaClapp profile image

I live 3 miles from the Glastonbury Festival site ..Last year everyone I know that went got Covid ...I wont be risking it

Tangolover profile image

Thank you--I'm getting more wary.

Arts116 profile image

I agree with misfitk! My husband and I love the symphony and they perform outdoors at an amphitheater in the summer. We go maskless and have never had any issues. We stay on the outskirts and wait until the shoulder 2 shoulder crowds exit before we pack up and leave. We wear N95 masks everywhere indoors and if we have guests to our home we have a HEPA air purifier that we keep on high. I almost died due to Covid early in the pandemic. I was on life support for 2 weeks. I’m well aware of what this sh*tty virus can do to us but it will not stop me from engaging in life through careful risk assessment and planning. I should add, we don’t eat indoors anymore or do anything inside that requires mask removal for extended times. The decision is ultimately yours!

Tangolover profile image
Tangolover in reply to Arts116

Thank you and that is encouraging to know. I've been very careful, but am getting restless to live a little! I will have my mask and will take every precaution.

Arts116 profile image
Arts116 in reply to Tangolover

I think you can live a full happy active life with CLL during covid or any other time when illness is at increased community spread. It requires planning that’s all. I don’t view a mask as not living? Or even a hinderance in my ability to enjoy things that I do. I’m of the mindset that I’d prefer to avoid infection of all kinds not just covid and the easiest way to do that is wearing a mask. I want my time on this planet to be as illness free as I can make it, in spite of having cancer of the immune system. Prior to discovering I had CLL I had bronchitis and sinusitis at least 4 times a year. I’d feel like crap for about 2-3 weeks before I could clear the infection with help from antibiotics and steroids. I haven’t had a single infection since covid 3 years ago. All it took was wearing a mask and planning. That’s all it took to be free of repeated infections. Small price to pay for being infection free. Have fun at your festival if you go!

Tangolover profile image
Tangolover in reply to Arts116

Also, very happy that you survived!

Arts116 profile image
Arts116 in reply to Tangolover

me too. Life changing experience for sure.

Tangolover profile image
Tangolover in reply to Arts116

I went to the festival and had a great time! So far, no signs of illness--I did take all precautions!

Mtk1 profile image

yes go.

Tangolover profile image
Tangolover in reply to Mtk1


Tangolover profile image
Tangolover in reply to Mtk1

I went and had a great time! So far, no signs of illness--I did take all precautions!

CLLBGone profile image

If you are talking about the Suwannee Fest ..... go for it ... great line up .... outdoors .... masking ..... 80° 🎶

Tangolover profile image
Tangolover in reply to CLLBGone

Yes--that's where I want o go! Have a log cabin in the woods rented!

CLLBGone profile image
CLLBGone in reply to Tangolover

Sounds like a plan .... and you'll have a cabin to retreat to if you get anxious


.... if you do get covid make sure you speak to your CLL specialist before grabbing the paxlovid

AFAIK paxlovid and venetoclax don't play well with each other . . . .

however something to consider, and perhaps have a plan with your doctor set up in advance

Tangolover profile image
Tangolover in reply to CLLBGone

Thank you--great information!

Tangolover profile image
Tangolover in reply to CLLBGone

I went to the festival and had a great time! So far, no signs of illness--I did take all precautions!

CLLBGone profile image
CLLBGone in reply to Tangolover


LuzyCLL profile image
LuzyCLL in reply to Tangolover

Jerry Douglas? GO, wear your mask

Tangolover profile image
Tangolover in reply to LuzyCLL

Lots of great ones there!

Tangolover profile image
Tangolover in reply to LuzyCLL

I went to the festival and had a great time! Saw Jerry Douglas and lots of other greats! So far, no signs of illness--I did take all precautions!

LuzyCLL profile image
LuzyCLL in reply to Tangolover


MisfitK profile image
MisfitK in reply to Tangolover

So glad this all worked out so well for you!

DanBro1 profile image

I have avoided crowds since I was diagnosed with CLL, mostly due to Covid and Influenza, even though I completed my treatment regimen one year ago. Since you are currently in active treatment with Venclexta ( which weakens your immune system), I personally would not go. That being said, if you MUST go, wear a mask a keep as much distance as you can. Best regards....

Tangolover profile image
Tangolover in reply to DanBro1

Thank you for your input--it's really difficult to decide.

Tangolover profile image
Tangolover in reply to DanBro1

I went to the festival and had a great time! So far, no signs of illness--I did take all precautions!

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