Been on Calquence for 4 months and have itching and hives. My counts are almost normal except for my platelets. I still have side effects of my ears ringing. I just broke out with rosacea on my face for the second time. I was wondering if this could be caused by a fungus. I think Calquence can cause a fungus. Has anyone been having this problem. If you did have a fungus, what test did they give you, can this be checked by a blood test. My dermatologist gave me steroid cream , but I read if it is a fungus, steroids can be bad for you.
Been on Calquence for 4 months and have itchin... - CLL Support
Been on Calquence for 4 months and have itching and hives

I have the same problem, red face here and there, blotchy and itching a lot, especially during the night. Dermatologist gave me cortisone, but hasn’t helped much. Never thought of a fungus. Have a rash upper arms and back, but not too bad and getting better. Been on Calquence for six months. Itching and rash started two months ago. Started a facial cleanser today CeraVe suggested by the dermatologist. Will see how that goes.
I am on steroids, not helping much. I am using CerVe, nothing seems to work. I will be seeing my MD tomorrow. My oncologist, said they may change my medicine.
I had. bad rashes of different kinds after a few months of being on Ibrutinib. They went away when my daily dose was lowered, so you may want to ask about that possibility.
I have been on lower dose acalabrutinib (because of CKD) for 18 months and the most prominent side effect has been diarrhea, followed by continuing hot flashes and easy bruising. I am taking 4 100 mg per week and will be working to get that to 7 per week (once per day) as my white blood/lymphocytes are still a bit high.
Chronic kidney disease. My kidneys won't excrete the drug normally and it stays in my body longer so I need less. Apparently I need more than I am currently taking, however.