I’ve been on acalabrutinib for about two weeks and on Imbruvica for approximately 6 months before that. In the past couple of weeks I have been having cramping in my legs, feet and back. This evening the muscles in my stomach cramped. The cramping doesn’t last long and I am able to stretch it out but it hurts and is sure annoying. Is this a side affect of acalabrutinib! Does anyone know if it will eventually subside? Do you have any suggestions on how to stop it from happening. Thank you in advance for any insight you can provide. So grateful for this sight and all of you that contribute.
cramping: I’ve been on acalabrutinib for about... - CLL Support

Hi 111853,
You should contact your doctor(s) and either your hematologist or GP should step through a process called "Differential Diagnosis" en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diffe...
To determine if you have a more common cause for the cramping - like low magnesium, or any other vitamins or minerals. Once all those usual suspects are eliminated then an exploration of the contributions from all the drugs and supplements you take can be considered.
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In many cases Ibrutinib / Imbruvica and Acalabrutinib / Calquence share similar side effects, but Acalabrutinib usually has fewer or less serious side effects of the type you are describing. Please talk to your doctors and let them share their expertise.
I think so. I try to hit 72 ounces a day. It feels like I’m drowning in water!
I asked my pcp if I could go on magnesium and potassium because of the cramps I was getting. I also use Theraworx foam to control the cramps too .
Comes in a spray. It has helped
Recently I have started physical therapy and find the exercises have helped along with the Theraworx
Good luck I hope you get relief soon

111853, More is not better beyond a certain point when it comes to water. As Jammin_Me notes, it's important to maintain your electrolyte balance. You may be causing your cramping pain by excessive water consumption. Drinking too much water can be fatal from how it can disrupt your electrolyte balance causing hyponatremia, (low sodium), but magnesium and other electrolytes will be similarly affected.
Please aim to just keep your urine a pale straw colour. See: healthunlocked.com/cllsuppo...
thank you all for your advice. I’m starting with adding electrolytes with the hopes that is enough.