Hello, friends, I have been on Acalabrutinib for 6 months now, and on Immunoglobin for 2 years. I wonder if any of you get bruising at the site of the injection. 2 injections per week. My belly is running out of space to do a new injection. Is there a way to minimize it? Thank you 🙏🏼

I (I'm on W&W) have my CLL bloods every 6 months..... there's nearly always a bruise afterwards..... Some people are more skilful with a needle..
Are you getting injections or infusions?
I have been on Acalabrutinib for over a year and weekly SCIG- subcutaneous infusions for 2 years. No bruising with weekly infusions - 60 minutes per week using two - 1/4 inch needles. Painless, easy to administer and just under the skin.
I do my own injection. What's the difference between infusion and injection? THANKS
An injection takes a few seconds with a syringe whereas an infusion is performed using a syringe and a pump and takes an hour or more to infuse
You need to go to the hospital for the infusion?
No, it’s done once a week at home. Trained by a visiting RN for a couple of weeks when I started. I pick up the immunoglobulin once every 3 months from the local hospital (supplied free) and the supplies which are all single-use, except the pump, are supplied free of charge by the drug company and replenished whenever I need more.
It takes about 90 minutes per week from start to finish, painless, easy to administer and generally free of bruises and infections. Most people infuse into the lower abdomen but you can also use your thigh or upper arm. Procedure is called SCIG or subcutaneous immunoglobulin
Take care,
Thank you, again, Vizilo, Where do you live?
Also, do you do the infusion by yourself, now? In your abdomen, or thigh? Does the infusion create a bump that takes a while to go down?
I’ve done the infusion in my abdomen by myself for about 2 years - you are right though - I use two sites each week and get bumps that go down over 2-3 days. Since the immunoglobulin is infused right under the skin into the fatty layer, it takes a few days for your body to absorb it.
This is an advantage over IVIG which is generally done in a hospital or clinic. IVIG involves infusion directly in your vein. So, you get an immediate immunoglobulin hit meaning that you get very high levels of IGG right after your infusion and they decrease until your next IVIG infusion. The infusion using SCIG gets slowly absorbed during the week (and thus the small bumps) and you end up with a much more constant level of IGG throughout the week.
Best of all you avoid hospitals and the higher risk of infection.

Hi unairdefamille,
There is evidence that all of the BTK inhibitors like Acalabrutinib / Calquence act as blood thinners for some / many patients, so bruising can be a side effect.
You may want to review all the medications and supplements you take, with your doctor, to see if any of them could be contributing to the problem. (Fish Oil, Omega 3, Aspirin or other NSAIDs, and many other "heart health" or blood pressure treatments could be suspects).
Also you might ask for some technique coaching or adjustments to your injection devices from your hematologist or an experienced nurse, to see if refinements might reduce the bruising.
hello. I usually have bruises but not with the injections. What happens to me is that after each application of gamma globulin I usually have a cough for almost 2 weeks. Does this happen to anyone?