Could someone please remind me of the suggested/recommended time interval between the Covid and Pneumococcal vaccines?
Could someone please remind me of the suggested/recommended time interval between the Covid and Pneumococcal vaccines?
I'm not certain about time intervals for Covid jabs, and was hoping someone more knowledgeable would reply.
Meanwhile, I think I remember hearing that there should be at least 2 weeks between Covid vaccines and any other sorts of vaccines. Better ask your haematologist, to be sure.
The two pneumococcal vaccines have their own distinctive protocols (Usually a one-off Prevnar followed at least 6 months later by Pneumovax, then Pneumovax boosters every 5 years).
Thank you.
I've just been through this and had to space my Covid and Pneumococcal vaccines. I was told there should be at least a seven day gap between the two. As it happened I got my 2nd Covid jab at week 10 after the 1st one and the gap was just over 2 weeks.