Hi I have either high count mbl or very early cll, i will know more when i see my specialist in November. I just wondered if anyone had developed a paraneoplastic syndrome as a result of their cll.
About seven years ago i developed a lot of neurological symptoms which resulted in peripheral neuropathy, predominantly small fibre, and other strange processes like a type of raynaulds syndrome.
These occurred before my lymphocyte levels began to increase very slowly. At the time i was in optimal health, 20kg lighter, running and exercising +++ and eating a predominately plant based diet
The rheumatologist at the time said unless my neuropathy was idiopathic i could develop a cancer in the future, and i did cll.
When you google malignancies associated with paraneoplastic syndrome, haematological malignancies are listed.
No one has been able to enlighten me and i guess its rare, so i may never know