If anyone is interested, initial / current treatment 420mg Ibrutinib for last 20 months. Three Pfizer’s zero antibodies, fourth Moderna 1/2 dose zero antibodies. Just had 300 Evusheld, waiting post injection hour. What a long road the last two years have been. Feel some relief, but not overjoyed as some. Will still be cautious, strange I feel like my beautifully fitted N95 is my best friend.
Evusheld Today: If anyone is interested, initial... - CLL Support
Evusheld Today

Congratulations on getting the updated dose of Evusheld!I fear we will be waiting quite a while for it here in Canada.
Evusheld is still awaiting approval by the appropriate parties - with no timeline published
Hope it gives you maximum protection!!
I as well am impatiently awaiting my dose if Evusheld, it would give me a bit more confidence if I know I had some protection. Has your oncologist said anything to you about Evusheld?
Replied to Davidcara in error. Hope you can see it. If not pls let me know
Thanks for your reply. Did you get the Evusheld as a preventative and not because you felt you had Covid or tested positive for it. I thought that it was not even approved yet. Please explain, appreciate your taking the time to respond.
No I have not received Evusheld as it is as it is still not approved in Canada. When you asked if my oncologist had said anything to me about Evusheld. I reply no but he did say if I did test positive for covid in the future- let his office know and I assume they would make arrangements for me to get the appropriate treatment (sotrovimab or paxlovid)
Hope this makes sense
Okay, I got it confused with the response from Davidcara who lives in the USA where it is available. The important difference between Sotrovimab and Paxlovid, they are given if you contract Covid as opposed to Evusheld which is given as a preventative which is way favorable for us so we have antibodies like other people who have antibodies created from Moderna etc. shots. Gives us more of a fighting shot not to get Covid in the first place.
Hi Bell53. It was only submitted Nov 3/21 so it’s been under review by health Canada for just 4 months. Although I have no “inside” information- and believe me I’ve been asking people who know people … 5 -6 months is the “expectation”. Along with an agreement released Feb 25th where 100,000 doses have been pre-purchased and should arrive one month after Health Canada approves it. Im hopping it can start being injected by early June if not sooner. I agree it is taking too long though
Thank you very much for the update. I hope the 100k doses are for the updated dose requirements. (300 vs 150)
Not yet. Just been told to call them if I test positive ☹️ I think they will arrange access to sotruvimab or paxlovid
So you got the stronger version? Is that what it is called 300? Husband supposedly only got the half of necessary dose with updated studies.
How did you find it? get it? desperate to get Congrats to you!
Davidcara, Congratulations! I am waiting on pending blood test to see if I can qualify. I’m due for my 4th booster, but I’m waiting to see if I can get Evusheld first. 🤞🏻Although this is an exciting prospect for some, many of our fellow CLL warriors are without access.
The only test I needed to take was a covid test. I needed a negative covid test to get Evusheld. I did the vaccine antibody test through Leukemia Society
Sojomama- I was in the same situation as you. Was told I could get Evusheld if the results of the covid antibody test were neg after 2 Pfizer and 1 booster. Well, this time it showed positive IgG of 1.418 but neg for IgA of .022. So now Evusheld is off the table. I will probably get the 4th Pfizer shot soon.
Congrats on getting the full dose. I fall in to the camp of people who are now scratching their heads on how to get topped with another 150mg.
I feel pretty defeated. Can you send me a few Evusheld antibodies? I’ll be forever grateful.
At least you got something. I think you will be able to get another 150. You are now in the loop.
Are you a psychic? You predicted my second set of Evusheld injections as I was “in the loop “ as you said.
My Hem/Onc just called me and I’m getting my tank topped off next Friday.
I never even called him this time expecting to hear laughter when I asked for the second round.
God is great!
Good for youMy wife Gabriella has CLL , Acalabrutinib treatment and no antibodies after 3 vaccine , she got an Evusheld shot in January and is showing >2800 antibodies in spike test a week ago !
Best of luck for you
Glad you were able to get it!I asked my specialist for Evushield (in the US) after no antibodies to 3 Pfizer shots. He told me he wouldn’t give it to me. His reasons 1) I am not undergoing treatment (I finished O+V 5 months ago)
2) He doesn’t think my immune system is that compromised (I disagree but what do I know - My lymphocytes are at .35 and my IgM is 11 but my neutrophil counts are normal as is my IgG)
3) Omicron cases are way down in my area
4) he is concerned about side effects given my history of arrhythmias
My thoughts are they don’t have a lot of it and are saving it for the most needy cases. I thought I would qualify. I plan to ask my local hematologist when I see him next month.
Not being a Doctor, I disagree with you Doctor on #1, #2, and #3. On point #4 yes I would be concerned. Please be safe and wear a good quality mask.
I go in tomorrow to get my 2nd dose of Evusheld. They only gave me a dose of 150 a few weeks ago, but they're now saying 300 is the proper dose. So I get 150 more tommorrow.