I had the issue with cracks from the corner of my fingernails into my fingers. I put superglue on them with the doctors blessing and it helped a lot. My fingernails are a mess now, though; pitted with ridges, splitting horizontally, and weak. My biggest question is if anyone else has experienced a painful scalp while on Imbruvica? I've been on it for four years now.
Cracked fingers and sore scalp: I had the issue... - CLL Support
Cracked fingers and sore scalp

Hi Deesil,I am not on ibrutinib, but for over a year, I have been suffering from horizontal cracks in the nail bed. I took biotin for a year - it didn't help, the situation got worse. I then started taking iron supplements which worked a dream until recently. I now have 2 nails with horizontal cracks. I haven't had any scal issues however.
I have been on Imbruvica for three years. I also have cracked fingernails. I use Barielle nail strengthening cream on them every night and it helps. I don’t get nearly as many cracks and splits. It took a couple of months before I started seeing results. I had some painful scalp issues too, but it was psoriasis. Tar shampoo and steroid cream helped clear it up. Good luck.
I am on Imbruvica for 2 years now. I have the same issues with the cracked skin on my nail corners as well as the split nails. Those cracks hurt like all get out. They eased up for a few months, but came back again last week. My nails are a mess, nothing has seemed to help the cracks and splits. If you find anything let me know.
Have you tried the high dose biotin of 5,000 micrograms daily yet? You'll need to stay on it for at least 3 months for your nails and skin to grow out the affected tissue/nail. Don't forget you need to temporarily halt it for a week before any blood tests checking for hormone levels and some biochemical tests. The straightforward CBC/CBE blood count tests are not affected.
I take biotin but not in that amount. I'll try it. Thanks!
I used KISS, which is a glue for split nails. If I got it on early enough it helped a bit. It's probably the same as superglue. It comes in little tubes like superglue. Now I am off ibrutinib and on venetoclax and that problem is gone.
I have been taking Imbruvica for almost 3 years have the same issues with sore scalp, horrible nails and thinning hair along with other issues