On todays webinar regarding COVID-19 and leukaemia, it was mentioned that there was a recruiting study for Covid antibodies in patients where the results are passed back to individual. Anyone know of this study?
COVID-19 and leukaemia - Leukaemia Care Webinar - CLL Support
COVID-19 and leukaemia - Leukaemia Care Webinar

I'm sure it will appear on YouTube, perhaps the study will be referenced in the description or indeed a chance to pick it out of the video. Certainly will keep an eye out for it.
I believe this is called the Octave Duo trial.
I believe it was mentioned on the Covid -19 App by Zoe some while ago. I seem to remember though that there were quite tight requirements and that I was ineligible due to being treated with secukinumab for another condition
I can't find the link.. Sorry.. It was on here somewhere.. I applied on line but I haven't heard anything as yet.. Think there are certain additional maladies that need to be declared and whether you work or not from memory.. If I find it I'll post the address
Always worth contacting your haematology clinic.
I contacted mine - at Hammersmith West London - some months ago after my second jab and they arranged it for me at the clinic the next day.
The good news is that it showed I had a good level of antibodies. I'll check it out again now I have had my 3rd jab.

I think Helen was referring to OCTAVE DUO, which I think is no longer recruiting it was recruiting up to 1200 patients from those who had also taken part in the OCTAVE study b-s-h.org.uk/about-us/news/... gla.ac.uk/news/headline_808...
There is another vaccine response trial that is providing antibody responses this was launched on the 27 September – The National COVID Cancer Survey I believe this is a postal blot collection and inclusion criteria looks narrow
The survey will assess antibody responses to the COVID-19 vaccines among people with cancer and is open for recruitment now.
There are 10,000 places on this study and the NHS will be asking people to join over the next 2 to 3 months. If you live in England and have either been diagnosed with cancer in the last year or are having cancer treatment, you can enroll in the survey.
Cancer survey website: covidcancersurvey.uk/
Thanks Nick,
When I looked before it seemed to be checking if you had previously had Covid, but I could of course be misreading it.
One question if you might know the answer. It seems vital if we succumb to Covid to get an antibody test quickly before being eligible for Ronapreve. Is that something we could ask for at our next routine blood tests, or do you think we are wasting our breath !
PS great informative presentation.
Colette, that's a very interesting question. Certainly worth asking. Timing may be critical however in relation to test and onset of covid!
Hi Colette The video of the webinar is now available here:youtu.be/a8YPsYeidqI
Sorry for delay in responding I am just out of a meeting, my understanding is that at the moment Ronapreve will be made available to those admitted to hospital with Covid and if they have no antibody response and that antibody cover/response levels would be tested upon admission. I believe this is touched upon in Dr Parry's talk and in the Q&A when asked about this. Was multitasking last night so have not had a chance to play it back myself yet.
I think this is one of those webinars worth a revisit as there was a lot of detail across the topic.
If you test positive for Covid infection in the community or someone close to you does I would inform my haematologist.
I have registered now.
Are you measuring your antibody response after 2 jabs or the 3rd?, If are signing up to for an indication of antibody response after your3rd you may have to wait awhile? My understanding from Dr Parry was that trial data is showing that the 3rd vaccine antibody responses are encouraging and may be the better indicator. However being a blot test collection you will not gain any feedback of cellular immunity.
The data from the Duo study of patients after a 3rd vaccine will soon be published preprint, that may give us all an idea of broader immunity capability across the CLL community.. Both antibody and cellular responses.