The government has agreed to end the requirement for shielding guidance for people previously considered to be clinically extremely vulnerable.
UK: Shielding programme ends for most vulnerable - CLL Support
UK: Shielding programme ends for most vulnerable

Wow, I’m speechless.
Well it was bound to happen I suppose but seems to have been slipped onto the website with minimal fuss, be interesting to see if its picked up in the media and whats said. Personally I dont see why they wouldnt leave it paused in case it was needed again this winter. Its just left to the individual and their medical team to act in solitude, most employers wont understand.
I get the distinct impression that this Government have taken the decision to just let Covid rip through the population now and beggar the consequences.
Me too this hung Ho approach beggars belief for everyone but especially the most vulnerable. More confusion more pressure on NHS and our specialists as we seek advice and more tension between employer and employees. Unbelievable!!!Ann
Gee thanks, Boris. I wonder if he has consulted with any of the haematological experts before making this decision? I feel abandoned by the state. Some healthy people will probably be thinking- all right, if they don’t need to shield any longer, there's no need to avoid them.
I assume this also means no more protected food deliveries come Christmas. What a winter to be approaching.☹️
If I were a cynic!, I might even be wondering whether the Chancellor, Health Secretary, and possibly (surely not), the prime Minister, had calculated the long term savings in Ibrutinib, Venetoclax, etc. if there are fewer people needing treatment. Roger
Don't think you're a cynic, think you've hit the nail on the head there. We locked ourselves away to protect the NHS this advise was never out of concern for the clinically vulnerable as far as the government were concerned. Boris is alleged to have said let the bodies pile up in the street. Think that speaks volumes.
So what about the chronic patients with a variety of conditions who get 6 monthly/yearly blood tests from their GP? Where is the specialist input?
So typical of this government. It seems that we are on our own now. It's up to us to protect ourselves and ask for the help and understanding of friends, family and colleagues. One thing that's certain HMG do NOT understand. Stay safe everyone.
I think we just need to carry on as we are (i.e. ignoring the government and going with advice from those who actually know what they’re talking about!)Stay safe,
Fran 😷
Most will do that Fran. Avoiding restaurants, sporting events, wearing masks and social distancing, etc. is very doable most of the time. However, the unavoidable issue is folks who are still working and need to work. In these instances it can be tough to stay safe when you are required to go back to work with the virus still raging.
I’m not in the UK and I am largely able to work from home although that will get tougher and tougher to do as time goes on. As a result, I understand the fear (in my case the looming fear) of being thrust back into the work place and how vulnerable that feels.
Yes, you’re completely right, of course.I have no end of sympathy for those who have to go to work… I like to think that the majority of employers will be sympathetic to individuals’ needs, but I know that’s not always the case, or even possible ( I worked in a big secondary school and know that we are so fortunate that we are now retired).
I can really understand how going back to work, when you are extremely vulnerable, must be truly daunting.
Stay as safe as you can,
Fran 😷
I quit my teaching post for early medical retirement. I am isolating as much as I can. I am in remission 2 yrs now but still have horrible B symptoms and days I am on the verge of throwing up and cannot eat but no onc. can explain this. Watching a lung node as it lit up on PET but I don't know now if I can afford medical copays anymore. So many here do not mask and refuse the Vax. And they are getting sick by the 100s and schools are still not reporting the truth about the numbers. I knew 1st hand the twisting of words to make it look like classrooms were safe. Remember we were told children cannot transmit it. Lol. I am so glad to be out of that environment. Covid has changed teaching so much. Glad to be gone in certain aspects but it is tough financially doing early retirement. Stay safe. I don't belive half the poop they dish out bc I knew 1st hand. Be safe
Son's school doing their best now the number of infections is rising. I've got so much admiration for teachers. It must be so incredibly hard. And for the kids. Bless.
That’s great Nic,
I was talking to a friend about working in Canary Wharf and her company is limiting 4 to a lift ! Perhaps you could suggest to your company. And coloured wristbands rather than lanyards which seems odd unless you wave your arms around or wear short sleeves.
There is absolutely nonway schools can stay safe. Hand washing wearing masks distancing is almost impossible with younger kids. Yeah they try but it's poor reporting to say the s hooks are safe. No! They are just like nursing homes. Confined and not able to be sanitary the majority of the time. The schools will be exploding by holiday time and taking it all home but you won't hear the real story. And if a teacher blabs...he/ she put on leave. Yip. Had a para gal in my classroom refusing to wear PPE, told the principal, nothing. And the next day she came down with covid and exposed all of us and we quarantined. But not a word to the public and we were told not to speak to parents about it. So when finding out my Vax did not take and all the continuing B symptoms , I left. Never looked backed.