Shielding finishes end of July - UK: Just read... - CLL Support

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Shielding finishes end of July - UK

42 Replies

Just read in UK online newspaper. Letters to go out next week.

Shielding and associated support finishes at the end of July with only priority online supermarket deliveries remaining.

Perhaps more in the news tomorrow.

42 Replies
teakbank12 profile image

Wouldn't believe the newspapers especially the Mirror where I read it online.

in reply to teakbank12

Not the Mirror! But report taken from the Health Service Journal. We’ll just have to see tomorrow.

Cyprusfan profile image
Cyprusfan in reply to

Our son has had a new letter he has to shield until middle of August. We are in Wales

in reply to teakbank12

I’m up early and now the newspapers now report that although the HSJ has reported such, that the government is yet to decide.

Matt Hancock is on the BBC news shortly and they are sure to ask.

BBC using words like suspicions, etc.

HSJ is written for NHS managers and professionals.

Many charities are concerned but we’ve got to give people their lives back sometime. Yes, much thought needed not just a date.

teakbank12 profile image
teakbank12 in reply to

Cannot stand Hancock or Burley so I'd rather watch the last EastEnders I've recorded from last night.

Have blood nurse coming to home this morning that's my highlight of the day!


Newdawn profile image

Why didn’t the PM announce it today instead of leaving it to the newspapers?


in reply to Newdawn

Have they told him?

A variety of newspaper types coming up with this now.

Some sense as they report the shielding list of people will be kept in case of a second spike and consequent lock down. That will save so much distress for many.

Newdawn profile image
NewdawnAdministrator in reply to

Perhaps anyone needing a shielding letter for furlough and employment purposes should apply to the Daily Mail? 🙄


in reply to Newdawn

Or the Telegraph and many more.

pati23 profile image
pati23 in reply to Newdawn

Ha hA!!

AnneHill profile image
AnneHill in reply to Newdawn

They can say what they like. Until it is safe, I wont be going far and definately without a mask. Those that rely on the food box will presumably miss out.

fapumpkin profile image

The following newspapers are reporting the same:

The Independent,

The Sun

The Daily Mail.

The Telegraph is also reporting the end of July,

It is a pity that again it has been leaked to the media rather than being grown up and explained clearly on what scientific/medical basis that the end of July will be safer?

For me personally, living in Cornwall, I suspect that once the holiday business are opened up, and the populations rockets from 560,00 people to over 2 million, it not being possible to do social distancing in narrow streets, It will be the least safe time of the year for me to come out of shielding, I will have to wait until the end of September.

Hopefully the supermarket priority list remains or I will go back to not being able to get food and being able to compete with the holiday makers. I do have concerns about the removal of medication delivery as I have used it before covid 19 to avoid contagious people.

I’m sure prior COVID19 deliveries will go back to normal.

Very scary time ahead.

I will be so careful when tourism is allowed again, as the South West will be attacked by those desperate for a get away. Some here already! But then again the South West needs the business.

Cyprusfan profile image
Cyprusfan in reply to

We still aren't allowed out very far in Wales. Beaches are closed with police officers on the horses to turn people away. Our son had another shielding letter until mid August

teakbank12 profile image

Same here living on the Lincs coast, once the sites open they'll come in droves stripping the shelves bare and using our GP's saying they need help!!

The sites report they will not open fully in July, basically they will be a place to sleep with no entertainment etc...


fapumpkin profile image
fapumpkin in reply to teakbank12

The local health authority in Cornwall has announced that holiday makers will be expected to communicate with their home GPs & will not be able to use ones in Cornwall?

in reply to fapumpkin

Then if slightly unwell will queue up outside A&E. UK residents are allowed to access free health care anywhere in the UK. Just need to be COVID19 free in all counties and then we can move on with care.

fapumpkin profile image
fapumpkin in reply to

This was the statement:

"Dr Iain Chorlton, chair of the NHS Kernow governing body, said that with remote services being used across the country due to coronavirus there was an opportunity to use them more widely.

He said: ’When we might see visitors coming into Cornwall we don’t want them to put extra demand on our health services.

’We will be asking people to contact their own GPs if they need assistance while here.

’There is no reason why we have to put extra strain on our services here in Cornwall.

’We can expect large numbers of people to access their own surgeries remotely.

Dr Chorlton said that while numbers of covid-19 cases in Cornwall had been relatively low compared to other parts of the country people still needed to follow the guidelines to prevent spread.

He said: ’This pandemic isn’t over. We continue to work closely with our public health colleagues to understand how the virus affects our communities.’

Speaking on Thursday he added: ’The numbers have been low across the south west and certainly locally. We haven’t been hit particularly hard here, our NHS has kept up with demand."

in reply to fapumpkin

I don’t like the tourists in a normal year and during July and August I stay away from beaches and pubs. Even a DIY store is full of tourists on a rainy day!

Many people in the UK and worldwide will not know what we are talking about and what’s it to do with CLL.

Of course it’s about spreading COVID19 but isn’t London the lowest infection area at the moment!

Life has to get back to normal so that the country makes money again.

The future will have risks and it’s the individuals responsibility to guard themselves.

Cyprusfan profile image
Cyprusfan in reply to

Why don't you like tourists in a normal year or should I say emmets that horrid word.

in reply to Cyprusfan

They bring a different way of life to the area. Often noisy. Clutter up the roads and beaches. Try to change our world to theirs. We have a simple , no chill life.

An example. Sat at Baggy Point on the South West coastal path. Looking at Lundy and the cormorants fishing from the cliffs below. A family group mainly in flip flops arrive. They look and then loudly state.”Where’s the cafe? What’s the point of a signpost to Baggy Point if nothing is there”!

Now tourists complain about our driving and we complain of their caravans and motorhomes clogging up the narrow lanes. You have a grey box on your roof rack and you’re a tourist destined to be overtaken by every local.

But tourists are needed for money. So I hibernate in July and August.

Cyprusfan profile image
Cyprusfan in reply to

I have to say we have a touring caravan and have visited St Ives many times and walked a lot of the coast with a picnic. And always clear up after ourselves. At some point we are all tourists. I don't know if you holiday anywhere but most of us do.

in reply to Cyprusfan

When I’m a tourist I do not change the life of local people. E.g. on a summer Friday and Saturday we cannot use the main roads in and out as queues of holiday traffic. Why should my journey be 2 hrs instead of 1?

But this is a site about CLL not pet hates.

Cyprusfan profile image
Cyprusfan in reply to

I understand that it's about CLL but you mentioned tourist issues first. Have a good day

in reply to Cyprusfan

I answered you out of respect. Tourism was first mentioned by a member in Cornwall reporting that GP services might not be available to tourists. I defended you that for tourists.

My personal hates especially caravans are not for this forum.

Not a nice day; it’s raining.

scarletnoir profile image

Whatever the truth here, I strongly suspect that it is an ENGLAND only policy - the news media all too often seem oblivious to the fact that many aspects of governance have been devolved to the Senedd (in Wales) and the Scottish parliament. NI also has its own assembly. The lockdown restrictions are still in place in Wales, for example, with only minor relaxations. People are being told to 'stay local', with an advisory 5 mile limit for travel in built up areas, but more flexibility in the rural parts.

Unfortunately, this can lead to problems, with England-based tourists unwittingly arriving in Wales - some get turned back at the border, others make it through and annoy the locals by behaving according to English guidelines. This is down to a combination of poor reporting and ignorance.

I have no doubt that all tourists will be welcomed back with open arms by the tourist trade here, once restrictions are lifted - but we don't yet know when that will be. I do suspect, though, that the cautious approach of the Senedd will continue, and that any changes will happen later than in England. Please check before you travel! The regulations are updated every so often.

Psmithuk profile image
Psmithuk in reply to scarletnoir

Indeed I hope you are right! The thought of mixing with people who may be carrying the virus without knowing appalls me.

I will keep all my fingers crossed that the Welsh Government sticks to it guns.


Cyprusfan profile image
Cyprusfan in reply to scarletnoir

I agree I think the senedd will be more cautious. Our son has had a further shielding letter until mid August

Mick491 profile image

It will just be the same as Scotland has already done.

JigFettler profile image

Even for those good with numbers the horizon we are all moving towards looks uncertain. Reports FOG the view. The papers even more so.

Infection risk from all sources will remain something we all have to cope with.

WRT Covid 19, there is solid data. New cases, hospital admissions, ITU occupancy, deaths, the R factor. When comparing like for like the trend becomes reliable "within" each country. (Numbers cannot be compared twixt countries reliably, counting is done differently etc.)

Therefore I ask myself what "number" will I feel comfortable using to decide when to step out from under my shield? What number do I feel MOST comfortable about using?

Jig. UK

fapumpkin profile image

"Asked about the HSJ report, a government spokeswoman said: “We have always said we will be looking at making life easier for those having to shield, when it is safe to do so.

“We are considering the next steps for the shielding programme beyond the end of June, based on the latest medical and scientific advice. No final decision has yet been made and we will set out more detail shortly.”


mrsjsmith profile image
mrsjsmith in reply to fapumpkin

Matt Hancock has just been on the BBC news and implied it would continue until the end of July and that we would all receive a letter, but no definite decision had been made yet.


in reply to mrsjsmith

Yes, keeps saying a letter and tailored to clinical needs and advice. A letter will help workers.

What I’m getting from this thread is that many people are frightened of going out.

Got to happen sometime.

Some people have not been out at all and to suddenly have to enter a supermarket will be terrifying.

We as neighbours experience and discuss the safe shops and gardens, and it’s useful.

But what I’m noticing, that those open for a couple of weeks like the tip yesterday, are slowly relaxing the rules and it’s up to people to remember to social distance. Many don’t.

Give the High Street sometime and that will be!!!!

mrsjsmith profile image
mrsjsmith in reply to

Totally agree. I know a fellow sufferer who hasn’t been outside his front door because he can see people outside ignoring social distancing.

I will take it very gradually and just walk to my shops at the bottom of the road. Pictures on the news of people pushing and fighting to get into Nike World in Oxford Street was terrifying and long queues outside Primark. Are people that desperate for a new pair of trainers they put before safety.

I don’t drive and yes I will be very wary going back on a bus, and again people I read, not wearing a mask. As a sinus sufferer I have avoided the underground for years.


Fran57 profile image
Fran57 in reply to mrsjsmith

Hi. We have been shielding for a long time now ( a couple of weeks before the government suggested it) and we won’t be going anywhere until the numbers suggest that there is very little of the virus around... quite a while yet, I suspect. We don’t drive, and live in a big city.

I would never trust people in the shops, or the streets, to be doing the right thing. They don’t appear to be bothered about themselves and their families, so they certainly wont be worrying about us, sadly! They clearly haven’t seen the tragic families who have lost someone to Covid 19.

Stay safe everyone and , if you are able to manage without going out, I would suggest that no one should feel pressured to venture out until they truly feel as safe as they reasonably can be.

Fran 😉

Harvist profile image

I have already noticed people are deciding for themselves to relax the rules. People on footpaths less eager to move aside and lots of groups out together that are clearly not from one family. I am pleased that people feel they are getting their lives back but without clairty from the government, people like us are going to be unfairly endangered. We will still need to practise care and social distancing but when everyone else feels the panic is over it will all be down to us to try and keep the distance. It is already almost impossible.

A clear set of rules for everyone that has been explained and rationalised needs to come now, and not in little snippets released to the government's favourite newspapers.

kablea profile image

The government decisions on this are relatively meaningless. We make the decision whether to shield or not. I went to my my first shop for eighty days on Monday. It was a bike shop and it was either that or no biking. Only one person was allowed in, or one family unit. I did not feel unsafe and the young man behind the counter was very considerate. If we carry on this way then it makes sense. Outside, I really do not see much chance of catching Covid whilst walking past people. We have to let the living world move on and just hold ourselves back awhile. Pensioners like me are very lucky in not having to go to work.

BluMts profile image

Our posts here emphasise what we already do know. It's that here in England we not always had the best guidance on how to handle this epidemic. Take care friends. Yes, the country has to get back to normal some time. But just remember that we are especially vulnerable and in most cases, CLLers getting back to freely moving around will not help the country. Be very careful and maybe think about waiting a while and seeing how relaxing the lockdown affects the situation before going back to normal life. I also believe that it is not good to stay inside endlessly and avoid walking and fresh air when safe and if one can walk. So lots of decisions.

in reply to BluMts

I have CLL. I’ve had FCR. I live my life with care.

I have a lovely time but always think of my CLL and how to avoid problems. I don’t let the disease stop my life but sometimes it modifies what I want to do.

COVID19 modifies what we can do but I will try to live life to the full.

Thought and care can release you from incarceration.

Okay it’s easy for me as I live in a low population area.

Fran57 profile image
Fran57 in reply to BluMts

I completely agree with you, BluMts!

I would like nothing more than to go out walking ( sadly, it would be in the city), but I am definitely in your camp...we need to see what impact the latest decisions by the publicly pressured government will have. It will take a good three weeks or so before we see what impact it has had ... and even then we don’t really know the true figures...

Stay safe,

Fran 😉

TheFlyer profile image

I will only believe when I see it in the Daily Star or the Daily Sport ;-)

mrsjsmith profile image
mrsjsmith in reply to TheFlyer

Will that be after page 3, and before the sports section ?

Colette 🤔

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