How long after receiving the first two Pfizer or Moderna jabs is the wait period before getting the third booster jab?
Wait time after 2nd vaccine for booster jab - CLL Support
Wait time after 2nd vaccine for booster jab

Hi CCgroup,-
We keep hearing the experts say they just "don't have the needed data", and I suspect this will be the problem answering your question.
We don't even know yet, how to decide what test results level equals full immunity.
I got my 3rd dose 5 months after the 2nd dose, but I believe the experts are recommending 8 months for people with normal immune systems that developed full immunity after 2 doses.
I got mine the first day it was available, since my objective was to improve on the 2nd dose.
Like most of us with CLL and no, or inadequate T spike response, we are hoping the 3rd will be "the charm" and get the response up to efficacious levels.
The "normal" immune folks would have a different objective- getting a declining level of immunity restored to the original, and or effective against the Delta virus. Thus they are getting a "booster" vs. we CLL people are getting a 3rd dose. This terminology may be splitting hairs.
The CDC recommends getting the booster at least four weeks after a second dose. I've also heard Dr. Fauci say this in interviews. It's in the FAQs section:
I just got my booster today (4 months after my 2d shot). We definitely seem to be learning as we go with this, but I'm just grateful there is a vaccine at all. ♥️
Just got mine today. The boosters were only made available to my hematology department in a large well known hospital beginning today. I was patient #3. This is 5 months after the second dose. I could have gotten it sooner somewhere else deceptively but now it is officially legit and on my card which is important to me. I will test for antibodies at some point and hope I made some this time. I also asked and was told that is the exact same as the first 2 doses. If a Delta specific booster is offered I will not hesitate.
Husband got his Moderna booster 8 months after his second it was not available until now. Slight reaction but not sure how much protection....fingers crossed