Anyone have guidance regarding temporary cessation of Ibrutinib prior to getting a Covid booster?
Stop Ibrutinib prior to Covid booster? - CLL Support
Stop Ibrutinib prior to Covid booster?

Given you need a 3 week break (a week for the ibrutinib to leave your system and a couple of weeks for any new healthy B-cells that responded to the vaccination to mature into the antibody producing plasma cells), you are putting yourself at risk of your CLL returning, perhaps markedly with a tumour flare:
I agree wholeheartedly with you. In cajunjeff case, I know he consulted heavily with his CLL specialist beforehand.
My CLL specialist wasn’t interested in wading into this till it got approved and once the news broke this morning I decided to just go for it before the available shots dried up.
Like Jonquiljo said, I expect everyone who decides that they want a booster will suddenly become immunosuppressed tomorrow. It’s on the honor system right now and honor and integrity are in very short supply these days in my opinion.
Got my antibody results the other day. August 9. Test showed 9.7 which is described as borderline. 11.0 is positive. Below 9.0 is negative on the testers scale. Thankful to be borderline as had thought it might a negative given other cllrs experiences. 6 months on ibrutinib at this stage. Yesterday got my third Physer shot . No reaction xcept sore arm. Same as last time. Didnt pause ibrutinib. Will do another antibody test in 1 month and post results when to hand Interesting to see if any improvement resulting from 3rd shot at that stage.
Did Cajunjeff develop antibodies ?
Yes I wanted to know that too - did Cajunjeff develop antibodies?
I got my antibody test results yesterday- negative (despite 2 vaccinations and having covid). Why was I so sure that I was going to be ok? Why, despite all I had read here, was I going to different from everyone else? I was really down after the results and the impact this is going to have on my life is slowly becoming a reality.
Will I, as my friend suggested, have to wear a chemical warfare suit on holiday?!!!
I took 2 antibodies. Then took JNJ.... no antibodies. Been off Ibrutinib for 10 days for colonoscopy. Thinking of getting a Pfizer today.
Interested to hear if you got booster while off Ibrutinib and if you plan to stay off a few days or week after to allow for vaccine to work?
Yes I was off Ibr for 9 days then took 1 420mg but realized I had an opportunity in that booster was just approved. After booster was off Ibr for 3 days. So was a bit of a bad experiment given that one dose but I'll take the S antibody test in 3 weeks and find out. I did get side effects more intense and sooner...18 hours...than my previous 4 shots for whatever that is worth.
I have been off Calquence now for 4 days for surgery and will get booster on Friday and will stay off for another few days after so 🤞🏻Let me know how you make out! Good luck!
Well, I chickened out and did not stop the Ibrutinib. Being that my markers are not favorable, I didn't want to take the chance. Would be interested to hear other's experiences.