I presently go to a hematologist/oncologist. Want to see a Cll Specialist. Can anyone advise me. I live in ct. I could travel to New York city
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I have been seeing Dr. Richard Furman at Weill Cornell NY Presbyterian since 2011, you can view a video of him here:
You can use this link to request/schedule an appointment: weillcornell.org/rrfurman
I also have a great appreciation for Dr. Nicole Lamanna at Columbia Presbyterian you can see her in this video: youtu.be/sPS9rE9Tfwo
You can use this link to request / schedule an appointment: cancer.columbia.edu/profile...
They are both wonderful doctors, but different personalities that I think you can see in their videos, but if you want more- please send me a PM here: healthunlocked.com/user/lan...
You can also get a free 2nd opinion with one of the CLL experts by video from your home.
The options Len has given you are excellent. Alternatively, you can go to Dana Farber in Boston and see Dr. Brown or Dr. Davids. They are both top notch, too. I guess it depends on which part of Connecticut you live in. I’ve spent a lot of time in NYC but much prefer Boston as I find it to be more manageable. Than again I’m from Boston so I’m biased.
Good luck,
I Cherish Dr Lamanna. Columbia is a bit of a zoo but she and her team absolutely worth it
Dr. Mato at MSKCC in NY or NJ and Dr. Lamanna. Both well worth the trip. Don't settle for a CLL part-timer!
Thank you
I was seeing Dr Mato at Sloan Kettering. I switched to Dr Zent at Wilmot cancer center in Rochester NY. The main reason for switching is Mato was a 8 hour round trip drive Zent is a 2 hour round trip.
Best wishes John

All great doctors. You will have the luxury of choosing one who est matches your personality. I think that you can find all of those listed above on YouTube - individuallynor on panels.
I first saw Dr Effie Hochberg at MGH in Boston then switched to Dr Zelenetz at Sloan Kettering (MSKCC) in their Westchester location due to 6 hr versus 1.5 hour round trip. MSKCC also has advantage of being a significant clinical trial player. Dr Mato at MSKCC is another top CLL name.
I love Dr Nicole Lamanna… she’s the whole package for me. Like Len said, you can get a sense of the personality from the videos.

At CLLSociety.org, we have a list of CLL doctors. In NYC, there are several great choices. All the docs listed below are strong.
Hello I live in Ansonia CT I travel to MSK Westchester NY is about 40 45 mts Dr Philip Caron he is very good/ I also will go to D Farber in June to see Dr David’s he is also very good!! I’m W&W dx 5 months ago..
😉 good luck
IDK where in CT you are, but I saw a Dr. Charles Farber for CLL clinical trials in Morristown, NJ. I think that entire group is fabulous. He may or may not not be considered a recognized CLL specialist, but he is extremely knowledgeable, and the setup at that smaller facility than the large University centers would be safe IMO. Everyone there was IMO the highest caliber. And since a previous job of mine was with McKesson, going into "broken" places to fix them, as well as in the VA system plus major US teaching universities, I have some experience with good versus dysfunctional setups.