arrhythmia and the flu and Covid vaccine - CLL Support

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arrhythmia and the flu and Covid vaccine

CoCoLuna11 profile image
20 Replies

Hi all! I had a physical on Wednesday and since I hadn’t received my flu and Covid vaccine yet this year went ahead and got them. I came home and did a workout and felt fine until evening when fever and chills hit along with some mild sporadic heart arrhythmia. I took it easy the next couple days and felt better. Arrhythmia seemed to mostly go away. This morning I ran 3 miles and today arrhythmia seems to have increased again. My blood pressure and cholesterol are all good. My resting heart rate seems to be running a little higher than normal. Just wondering if anyone else experienced this after their vaccines and if it went away? I’ll call doctor if it doesn’t improve by Monday and I’ll hold off on any major exercise.

Honestly, I almost didn’t get the vaccine and kind of wish I didn’t. I feel like I get some protection through my ivig. I wonder if one can have too many antibodies?

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CoCoLuna11 profile image
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20 Replies
AussieNeil profile image

I'm sorry you aren't feeling the best after your flu shot, but there's plenty of evidence that they and other vaccinations protect your heart, by reducing inflammation (see below).

The different antibody classes have varying half lives, with the most common IgG types, which have fairly long half lives, only surviving about 3 weeks. That's why IVIG is commonly scheduled every 4 weeks. There are conditions where we can have too many antibodies - when they attack our body cells (auto-immune conditions) which are more common for blood cells when we have CLL, or when cancerous plasma cells churn them out in Myeloma. However, most commonly with CLL, we have too few, (hypogammaglobulinemia), hence our need for IVIG or subcutaneous IgG.

Here's a collection of some of my posts about heart protection provided by vaccination:-

COVID-19 and Flu vax reduce heart attack & cardiovascular death risk, conclude meta-analyses. Benefits also from Pneumonia and Shingles vax

The influence of flu and COVID-19 vaccinations on heart and brain health

Flu vaccine reduces heart attack risk, Australian study finds

Flu vaccine cuts infection severity and mortality according to US Centers of Disease studies. That's why it is recommended if you have CLL.

8,000 Flu Deaths were prevented in 2019 with Vaccine in USA. 70% of flu-related hospitalizations and 90% of flu-related deaths in those 65+

In addition to providing protection against heart complications, Flu shot found to protect against severe effects of COVID-19


CoCoLuna11 profile image
CoCoLuna11 in reply to AussieNeil

Thanks Neil! I saw some of those before I posted. I believe the benefits generally outweigh the costs, just a bit worried that I might be in that extremely small percent that experience heart issues as a symptom of the vaccine. Hopefully, it subsides.

Right, we recently extended my ivig from every 6 to 8 weeks. I guess it’s the timing I’m wondering about (when antibodies may be at their peak).

AussieNeil profile image
AussieNeilPartnerAdministrator in reply to CoCoLuna11

With IVIG, the antibodies peak in your blood when the infusion is complete. It takes a few days (varies by individual) with subcutaneous IgG.

COVID-19 infections have far more serious impacts on our heart and other organs than vaccinations/boosters.


Panz profile image

I am a bit surprized that they would give you the two vaccines at the same time especially since you receive IVIG. I too receive IVIG and I get it every 4 weeks and have been advised I should have a week and two weeks would be better between vaccinations. So sorry you experienced this. Take care and all the best to you!

Panz 🙏👍😊☘️❤️

CoCoLuna11 profile image
CoCoLuna11 in reply to Panz

I should have waited and asked my hematologist. I had ivig Monday and vaccines on Wednesday! I wasn’t even thinking about my ivig at the time 😔

AussieNeil profile image
AussieNeilPartnerAdministrator in reply to Panz

I think the timing between vaccinations and IgG infusions is only a potential issue for live vaccinations.

CoCoLuna11 profile image

Yeah, it sounds pretty stupid- agreed. I didn’t really notice the arrhythmia happening until the evening when I also got sick. Then it seemed better when I started feeling better so I decided to run. Then it came back. I haven’t done anything today and it’s been better. So I’m going to lay low for a while and ease in slowly like you said.

Identiy profile image

If you are worried about vaccine induced myocarditis causing the arrhythmia, ask your GP to do an ECG and a hs - troponin T test. I understand that the troponin will be elevated if your heart muscle is inflamed from the vaccine and the ECG will show changes.

kablea profile image

Just a comment. I ran very hard 35 years ago and constantly had arrhythmia. I was tested but ultimately realised that it was coffee ( I won a coffee machine in a race!) A cardiologist said I was either dead or extremely fit and he suspected the latter. I am still running at 77 and it is not a problem now.

CoCoLuna11 profile image
CoCoLuna11 in reply to kablea

Thanks for sharing that. That’s hilarious that you won a coffee machine in a race! I normally drink 2 cups of coffee a day. I do love my coffee. But I can see that the combination can be too much. I sure hope I’m still running at 77! 🙌

Splash24 profile image

I have concerns about the "compounding effect" of these vaccines. This has not been studied, as this is playing out in "real" time.

AussieNeil profile image
AussieNeilPartnerAdministrator in reply to Splash24

Hi Splash,

You've mention your concern at the possible '"compounding effect" of these vaccines' a couple of times. Do you meant the Possible effect of the “original antigenic sin” in vaccination against new variants of SARS-CoV-2? and Antibody dependent enhancement?

This was taken into consideration with the design of the mRNA vaccines and is being monitored by researchers, as can be seen in the following articles;

The “original antigenic sin” and its relevance for SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) vaccination

Impact of antigenic evolution and original antigenic sin on SARS-CoV-2 immunity

Recent findings on original antigenic sin and SARS-CoV-2

Immune imprinting and next-generation coronavirus vaccines

You can follow the unfolding research on X/formerly Twitter, but from what I've read, these concerns have yet to become an issue.


Splash24 profile image
Splash24 in reply to AussieNeil

Neil, possibly, but not just, it may not have become an issue, but as I stated this is just unfolding, the long term effects (if any) of taking 7-8 shots in 3ish years may not be known for several years, that certainly wouldn't be a first. It may not be an issuue at all, my point is, it's impossible to know without going through it. Unrelated to the “original antigenic sin”, I am aware of several people in my region who have had heart issues, and cardiologists have advised against anymore Covid vaccines, that's anecdotal I understand that, but it was from 4 different cardiologists. Anecdotal is often how trends get noticed.

Notmuchenergy profile image

I had flu and Covid shots at the same time in 2022 and had arythmia off and on for several months afterwards. Was given ECG and heart scan after having chest pains. All looked ok. A doc at A&E said it could be a reaction to shots.It eventually wore off.

I had flu and covid at same time 2023 and again had arythmia off and on for a rew weeks. That has cleared up now.

CoCoLuna11 profile image
CoCoLuna11 in reply to Notmuchenergy

Thanks! Good to know, especially that is went away on its own.

Lenny123 profile image

Almost afraid to post this, for fear of discouraging others.

Had Covid shot(Moderna) in early December, customary 2 day feeling lousy. then flu shot about December 15th.

Christmas eve, horrible chest pain. To emergency room on Christmas morning. Diagnosed with Pericarditis. Pain relieved with NSAIDS. Spent day on hospital.

Now on Colchicine, for three months. No vigorous exercise( defined as HR over 100.min).Holding Imbruvica, which is incompatible.

Have had two episodes of Atrial Fibrillation, heart rate to 145, broke only with carotid massage.

Praying never to have such an episode again. Hard to sort out causes, implications, but clearly a different life. Really hope to get back to daily swimming, running a few miles. Dare not until afib flares cool down, BTW saw a Cardio oncologist, very helpful. Have upped Metoprolol from 50 mg, daily to 50 mg twicw daily. May be helping.

A lot of 411, putting it out there, may encourage fellow sufferers to speak.

CoCoLuna11 profile image
CoCoLuna11 in reply to Lenny123

That’s a lousy Christmas. I’m sorry you’ve been experiencing all that and I sure hope it disappears soon! Yes, I agree, having Covid and long term effects from Covid are awful but I wish we knew more about vaccine symptoms and who is at risk for these issues too.

Splash24 profile image
Splash24 in reply to Lenny123

Lenny, thanks for having the courage to post this, if these things are happening, rare or not people have every right to know, all of this helps making an informed decision.

annasw profile image
annasw in reply to Lenny123

Hello Lenny123, so sorry to hear how you have been affected and I really hope you will not have to go through anything like it again, it's horrible.

I have been rushed to hospital twice with similar episodes, last one just a couple of weeks ago and am still feeling weak as a kitten.

Woke up to the alarm one morning to go for my monthly blood test in town and have wondered since if I had woken up at all if the alarm hadn't been set. Heart was racing like mad and I felt high as a kite and it was very difficult to walk without holding onto something. (Later found out the feeling of being off the chart drunk or high was because my brain didn't get enough oxygen). I landed on the kitchen sofa where I have my blood pressure machine. I was trembling and had a difficult time putting it on my arm but eventually succeeded and saw the reading 197/170 with a pulse of 180. (My blood pressure is usually on the low end, 90-100/60).

As it all started in my sleep I have no idea how long it had been going on or how high it had been. Managed to call an ambulance and spent two days at the county hospital with high Troponin levels that didn't drop as they should.

What I have found interesting is that both times this has happened, the first thing the ambulance personel and cardiologists ask is if I have recently taken a covid shot, or if I've taken any at all. Funny thing is that I haven't taken any, but they say I have AVNRT and they want to do an ablation. Tricky thing is that I'm in need to start treatment, well I have been for quite some time, but no one have so far been able to figure out what to do first as the ablation can effect the CLL negatively in different ways with higher risk of complications, not to speak of all the radiation one gets while doing it and how that might effect the leukemia. At the same time the planned Venetoclax treatment comes with increased risk for cardiovascular toxicity so I have no idea what to do yet.

I was put on Metaprolol too three years ago but couldn't stand it, gave me horrendous and very realistic nightmares that made sleeping impossible. Started Bisoprolol instead and that works much better for me. I've now learned that Bisoprolol doesn't go well with Venetoclax so hey-ho.

I get high pulse spikes several times a day from doing nothing but standing up to do the dishes for example. Goes up to 120-135 in an instant but thankfully it drops quite quickly, often down to just 45. It's like living with a merry-go-round in the chest.

Did a heart ultrasound last week and will meet with cardiologists soon so we'll see what happens.

Best of luck to you with everything and may you never have to go through that again.

CoCoLuna11 profile image

Just wanted to update that my arrhythmia did go away. I see there’s been some discussion about this beyond my post. I will ask my doctor about it. The only real take away for me with this experience is that I need to plan a vacation from any kind of strenuous activity if I plan on having any vaccines. Thanks everyone for your comments 😊

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