For those on Ibrutinib 1-What vaccine did you receive 2- Did your Dr mention possibility of stopping Ibrutinib while getting vaccine shots?
stopping Ibrutinib for covid vaccine ? - CLL Support
stopping Ibrutinib for covid vaccine ?

No and I can't think a reason why they might recommend it. I just carried on as usual.
.....In the case of the BTK inhibitors such as ibrutinib and acalabruinib they do not kill off the b lymphocytes aggressively, but they do slow their growth and so it is hypothesised that they may reduce the effectiveness of vaccinations or indeed being presented with a virus or bacteria you have not seen before. They are not expected to have an effect on the plasma memory cells ,but of course if they are preventing those cells from being replaced you may also still see a decline in the immunoglobulin levels. The effects of these drugs are not uniform, however, and some people report an improvement in their immune response on them.... from
The blood cancer newtwork is not a peer reviewed reference I'm afraid and contains no published references in the article.I have seen my immune system respond positively to Ibrutinib and T cells work better in BTKi treated patients. I think we have lots to be positive about regarding Ibrutinib and the immune system.
Well , i talked to my CLL specialist on thursday and she said a ¨possible scenario ¨would be stopping treatment for a time , although she was gathering more information and knew that in many places there are not stopping treatment. So ,it is not deffinitve and i was asking in the forums to see if someone had their treatment stopped.I think that when the time comes to get the vacicne she won´t stop
Please check through our previous links, many of us have already posted numerous times about Covid, the vaccines, etc. I can say that during my recent intensive reading there is no indication of a rationale to put a blanket inhibition on BTK inhibitors. There was mention that vaccine may not be as efficacious in ANY cancer patient on B-cell inhibiting treatment, and that clinicians would need to weigh pros & cons for each patient specifically.
Mine told me not to stop.Ann
1) AstraZeneca, 2) No advice to stop from my Haematologist.
Pfizer, did not stop Ibrutinib nor did I have side effects other than a very slightly sore injection site.
Hi Antonb, Diagnosed in March 2019, I began taking Ibrutinib in October 2019. My ALC initially increased from 70 to 480 and has slowly been reducing. January 2021 blood test recorded ALC 75. I had the AZ vaccine on 6th February and was not advised to suspend Ibrutinib. Very sore arm for 5 days, mild flu like symptoms on day 2 only and intermittent headaches for 4 days. It certainly appears to effect us all differently but I remain very pleased to have had it irrespective of the level of benefit that it may give. Good luck!
I had AZ vaccine, my consultant insisted on it and also multiple global wife works in covid and cancer world on a daily basis.
Hi. My consultant mentioned postponing my start on Ibrutinib for a couple of weeks if I had a date for my jab. At the time I did not have a date so I started the Ibrutinib. Unfortunately I ended up in hospital for a while and re-started the Ibrutinib the day after I had my jab.
Hi on brutinub had covid in dec- Jan will see my doc on March 10 may have antibodies will keep you posted btw I’m in LA California
I am on ibrutinib for 6 years. I have just received 2 Pfizer shots, the second a week ago. No one suggested stopping the drug. So far no side effects.
I paused ibrutinib due to some rashes and am switching to acalabrutinib. My doctor said since I was off ibrutinib already, to go ahead and wait to start my acalabrutinib until a couple weeks after my booster to improve my immune response to vaccine.
So I think there is merit to pausing immunosuppressive drugs while taking the vaccine. There can be ramifications for pausing btk drugs, so I think most Cll doctors think the risk of pausing meds is greater than the benefit.
But there is merit to the notion that ibrutinib and drugs like it can dampen our vaccine response. I do not know if anyone knows for sure.
My doctor asked that I stop ibrutinib 7 days prior to injection. Just got Moderna #1 but didn't have advance notice so I stopped the day of the injection & plan to restart about 4 days after injection. I will stop ibrutinib 7 days before Moderna #2.
Lynn B
Check this out. I had my 1st Moderna jab on Feb. 2nd. I've been taking Ibrutinib for 6 1/2 years. The Ibrutinib seemed to have stopped working back in May 2020 and the plan was to start Venclexta as a monotherapy. Then Covid delayed a lot of plans. I take my first dose of Venclexta Mar. 1st. (tomorrow).Then, Mar. 2nd I get my 2nd jab of Moderna. This should prove most interesting!
I just got my second Pfizer last week. No major side effect. Worst thing was fotophobia the day after. I couldn't stand much light. My doctor said nothing of stopping the I. But then I guess I couldn't as I am on a Clinical Trial (A041702) with Venetoclax and Obinituzumab in addition to the I. Take care!
1. i am on Ibrutunib for 2 years.2. my doctor said noone know if there are issues with the drug and the vaccine so i should take the vaccine.
3. i took the Pfeizer vaccine.
4. after 3 weeks of 2nd dose i did test and confirmed that my body did not develop antibody.
5. i wonder if people have tha same result after vaccination.
Received Pfizzer vaccine. Dr. Did not mention anything about stopping treatment prior to receiving both vaccination shots.