I have my second vaccine next Saturday but am scheduled for my routine IVIG on Tuesday. I just found a journal article that suggested that IVIG before a vaccine could reduce efficacy of the vaccine because the IVIG might "fight" the vaccine. I emailed my doctor to ask if I should put off IVIG a week. Any guidance here would be helpful.
Vaccine and IVIG: I have my second vaccine next... - CLL Support
Vaccine and IVIG

I would love to know what your doctor has to say on this as I too have IVIG every 4 weeks. I have received both Moderna shots and as I didn’t have a real choice in the timing I just left it in God’s hands. Both shots fell two weeks after the IVIG. We were just very fortunate to have a private home nursing just come into our park....in two days they were able to give 1,169 shots for both the required shots.
I will be very interested in what you are able to find out. We live in the USA in FL. We had jus an awareness of injection on the first shot. On the second shot I had no awareness no nothing, however, my husband had every side affect listed...just for 24 hours. I was rather disappointed not to have any reaction as I am not at all sure where that may put me. In March I will be having an antibody check run. Truthfully I am not expecting much but felt something was better then nothing.
All the very best to you!
Panz 🙏💕☘️🙂
My doctor wants me to wait a week in between. I emailed him, so I didn't really get to discuss. The CDC says you don't have to wait, so it will be interesting to see why
Please keep us updated on your antibody test. The pharmacist who administered my 2nd vaccine was very adamant that even with a lower immune system, our bodies know what to do and she wanted me to be confident that I will have antibodies whether I was ill or not. (I did become ill the next day with headache, body aches and nausea.) I will be curious to see what your test reveals. Anyway, I am hanging onto the hope she gave me.
I doubt anyone can definitively answer the question of whether an ivig infusion close in time to a covid vaccine would diminish the effectiveness of the vaccine. All we can do is look at how ivig interacted with other vaccines and venture a guess.
As it turns out, even that doesn’t help much because as it turns out, ivig can impact the efficacy of some vaccines and not others:
Antibody-Containing Blood Products
Antibody-containing blood products from the United States, such as immune globulin (IG) products, do not interfere with the immune response to yellow fever vaccine and are not believed to interfere with the response to live typhoid, live attenuated influenza, rotavirus, or zoster vaccines. When MMR and varicella vaccines are given shortly before, simultaneously with, or after an antibody-containing blood product, response to the vaccine can be diminished
My take on this? I kind of doubt an ivig infusion has much impact on our immune response to a covid vaccine. But it might, and I don’t see any harm in spacing the vaccine, so if possible I would think I would not take ivig and vaccine in the same time frame.
Right now my guess is that everyone is guessing because the interaction of covid vaccines and ivig infusions has probably not been studied.
I think someone posted about the vaccine and IVIG recently, this week...I think they had a bad reaction once they received the IVIG...I might not remember it correctly. Sorry I can't help, just tought I would mention it.
My second Pfizer shot is scheduled 3 days before an IVIG infusion. My hemonc told me there is no reason to reschedule.
According to the CDC no need to alter timing specifically for IVIG.
For persons receiving antibody therapies not specific to COVID-19 treatment (e.g., intravenous immunoglobulin, RhoGAM), administration of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines either simultaneously with or at any interval before or after receipt of an antibody-containing product is unlikely to substantially impair development of a protective antibody response. Thus, there is no recommended minimum interval between other antibody therapies (i.e., those that are not specific to COVID-19 treatment) and mRNA COVID-19 vaccination.
I had my first vaccine a week before my IVIG and my second shot 2 weeks after my IVIG infusion. My medical team at UCSD said there should be NO issue with timing. I only had a sore arm both times. According to a recent Statement made in a webinar, Dr Wierda stated that if you have a reaction don’t assume you have antibodies and if you don’t have a reaction don’t assume you don’t have antibodies. At this time no one really knows if and how much of a response we CLL’rs will have.
I had 1st Moderna shot January 11 and IVIG on January 19. I only had sore arm. I had my 2nd dose February 11 at 10:30 am and began having fever by 7:00 pm. The next morning 101.0 and had fever all day going back to 101 at 7pm. After if started going down to 99 by bedtime. I’m scheduled for IVIG in a week or so(depending on blood test). Hopefully, this is indication of my body having COVID immunity. My doctor said he could test for it.
I had my 2nd jab 5 days after IVIG. I had typical side effects after the second shot. None after the first one. My doc said it was fine. I would be like a “normal” persons getting the shot since I had “normal” antibodies in my system.
I had my first vaccine about 40 minutes after my ivig treatment - on the advice that it would be ok to do so -
I chose to wait a week after my vaccination, I did my sub cut at home on Saturday and I slept for a few hours after but all good.
I had my first Vaccine on 1/4/21. My Oncologist told me the week before that someone would call to schedule my IVIG the following week. I found out late on Thursday, 12/31 that I was to come in for the vaccine on 1/4 so I notified my oncologist that morning of 1/4 and she wanted me to wait at least 2 weeks after that 2st vaccine for my IVIG then. So they scheduled it for Monday, 01/25/21. She knew at that time that my second vaccine was scheduled for 2/1/21 which I had. She chose the timing on all of that and said that was all fine. I did become ill with body aches, a pounding headache, and nausea the day after my second vaccine so I know I mounted a response at least. Not sure if that helps but that is how it went for me.