Thanks for all the lovely messages - apologies if I haven’t got around to responding yet but please know I’ve read them and am grateful. I’ve been focusing on updating my blog so there is a record of the process I’m on. I came home from hospital yesterday on day 4 (Friday) and my infusion was on Tuesday - I feel completely normal and much better than when I had chemo last week to prepare me to receive my reengineered T-cells. Back for day 7 check up on Monday but I did a 5km walk yesterday and followed it up with a 7km one today - pushed it a bit too much because of how well I was feeling and am now having a little lie down! The dangerous point for me on this new form of CAR-T trial is around the day 11 mark. Hopefully it will pass without incident but I’m just so relieved to be feeling well (I feared I might have been in ICU at this point). This is a photo of me with Dr Thomas Lew before I left the ward yesterday. I’m blogging to keep a central place for friends, family and CLLers who want to follow this at
Best wishes to all