Never heard that alternative sweetners are not good for people with CLL is this true or is it a myth?
Alternative sweetners : Never heard that... - CLL Support
Alternative sweetners
Depends on which alternatives your talking about. Most alternative sweeteners aren't good for people with Cll or not. There was a recent post on this subject with several replies.
Can you give more information please? I have sweeteners in some things just to cut down on calories.
It was just what was mentioned by one of the members said about sweetners and fibromyalgia.
It seem that some sweetners have a detrimental effect on a friend of mine who has this condition. I was asking if artificial sweetners could effect CLL.
I know that some sweetners are not good for us but it was the direct effect on CLL that I was concerned about. Thank you all for your comments.
My docs said eat whatever I want. I eat regular sugar all the time. Was only restricted during chemo with raw fish.
I believe it is a myth
Here is a link to the 120 times sugar was mentioned in a past discussion:
The best is this one:
Solid evidence that sugar does not drive CLL progression. This is why CT scans rather than PET scans are used to check node size!
Further evidence destroying the myth that CLL thrives on sugar comes from CLL research by Dr Lauren Thurgood of Australia's Flinders University, per her July 30t
I use stevia I didn’t know if that’s bad but I’m diabetic so sugar is out. And to be honest I think the air we breath to the food basically everything is bad in some way or another.. even the sun we have to be careful. We can’t live in a bubble I guess we can eat just organic home grown food and stay house bound. 😅
From what I have gleaned, Sucralose is one of the most harmful sweeteners. I have always opted for regular sugar when I had the choice, but I also don't have a diabetic or weight problem. I have reduced my sugar intake as well.