What are some symptoms people have? I have thyroid cancer and sometimes can’t distinguish swellings and pain between the two.
Symptoms of CLL/SLL : What are some symptoms... - CLL Support
Symptoms of CLL/SLL

Some have no symptoms, while others could have fatigue, bruising, night sweating, infections, swollen lymphs, fever, weight loss and others.
I had no symptoms with my thyroid cancer except a tumor on my thyroid, not noticable. I had some enlarged lymph glands, not noticable with cll. Only when my platelets and red blood cells became low was I symptomatic with Cll.
Incidently my thyroid was removed and I took the radioactive capsule. Not sure if they still do that. Of course until they put me on a thyroid medication I was a zombie.
It's all so confusing isn't it when it gets complicated with other cancers and illnesses? I've had parathyroid tumors removed, and carcinoid metastatic tumors removed, and nodes in my thyroid followed but not removed (yet) and skin cancers removed while trudging along with my SLL. Fatigue is probably the worst symptom no matter which disease it is attributed to, and pain is easily a second (if not first) complaint. I'm sorry that you're having a difficult time. I also have myalgia, athralgia, bruising, cardiac arythmias, and GI issues.
Well my symptoms are every evening i have chills especially my legs even with a wool blanket.....
And sometimes have flu like symptoms that last for a day or 2. ....
Fatigue and no energy ...
Thats about it for now!!What about you???
I just had like seven days of flu like symptoms. I couldn’t get warm at all! No fever. I had lymph nodes going up and down on my clavicle. (Went to Endo and he said it was probably CLL)I bruise easily and have bone pain but I also fell but that’s my shoulder which I think I tore. It’s not the rest of my arm. You should see the bruising the nurse left on my arm!! She tried three times before she got a vein!! Huge bruise in front of elbow where they usually try first. Then she blew a vein in my hand!! It was truly a nightmare. What makes it worse is that he’s my sisters doctor. When he told me he didn’t know of Dr Allen who with Dr Furman is in the forefront of CLL I knew he was an asshole. I have so many issues going on that I feel like I just want to stop everything and just go on with my life. I don’t want to start meds and my numbers are ok. It’s just that twice I’ve been told by hematologists that your bloods can be good but it can be raging thru your bones !