I take Imbruvica for CLL. Any information about effects of KIMCHI pro or con ?
Kimchi pro or con ?: I take Imbruvica for CLL... - CLL Support
Kimchi pro or con ?

This is an interesting subject. Somehow, fermented veg doesn't appeal to me but my friend had campylobacter and was taking weeks and weeks to recover. I bought some for her to recolonise her gut bacteria and it seemed to work really well. Heard that lots of people recommend it in the same way that sauerkraut is but of course, your immunity is specific to you and, as you're on Ib perhaps mention it to your Dr first.
Here's a bit more info but there's loads on the internet - just the problem of which to believe! wellandgood.com/good-food/k...
Very useful information. Now: What about Kombucha ? I hesitate to consume it, based on cautions about immunity issues. Finally, one medical info blog states that Swiss cheese is useful to keep blood pressure in the normal (low) range: It may be coincidence in my case, the bp was in the 135/77 range and since daily consumtion of some Swiss cheese it is in text book ideal 110/70 range. I am consuming some "mild" kimchi from the supermarket, just a half a ground-spoon-full mixed in a cup of pureered vegetable and salmon mix. Twice daily. I will follow your advice and consult the hematologist.
You're testing me now!
I don't know anything about Kombucha. Perhaps from what you say it's best avoided but swiss cheese keeping your BP down?? ....... mmmmmm, not sure about that either
A beneficial effect of Swiss cheese on bp was mentioned in one major health blog. But on reflection my current 10 point lower is probably is due by a coincidental new rx for protate issues: Finasteride and Tamusolusin. There was one report about investigation in France of bacteria in Camenbert in the treatment of Parkinson. The bacteria of cheese in France and Switzerland probably has a health benefit. (A Swiss university is investigation the effect on taste of different types of music on wheels of cheese ) By the way, when one watches France 24 TV on the internet or French people in the news - they are generally "skinny" compared to Americans. The relatively lower rate of cardiovascular morbidity of the French is interesting!
I eat it when my neutrophils are on upswings and avoid it when they tank.
Or you can cook it in a dish. Which is tasty too.
When I wasn't neutropenic and was on imbruvica I enjoyed home made fermented cabbage. No issues. It has a high amount of vitamin C
When I began to get Imbruvica induced heartburn early on, I immediately ate 1-2 forks of kimchee. The heartburn immediately went away. It's a better option than taking antacids that ultimately lead to secondary symptoms and problems.
As a vegan who weighs every food I ingest as to its nutrient value, in the hopes of maintaining a healthy microbiome, I include a small amount of kimchee on salads or in stir fry. Fortunately, I happen to love the taste. If I didn't, I would learn to love it because it is good for our gut.
Thank you!
The MSG in kimchi is the killer for me, but that is not CLL-related. (MSG can give me spliting headaches and wrose.) I have also backed off of spicy food quite a bit. That said, I often visit both North and South Korea and have eaten my fair share of kimchi in both Pyongyang and Seoul!
Not all kimchee has MSG. I get mine at Whole Foods, which is careful about ingredients.
In Massachusetts, they carry my favorite local brand, which is produced in western Massachusetts from organic ingredients, with mild spice and low salt. It is fresh and delicious. The label also makes yummy pickled beets.
Stuck with the mystery of restaurant dishes containing MSG within Asia, I have learned how to say “MSG” in multiple languages, including Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Laotian, Thai, and Cambodian! I used to get headaches all the time. Once I figured out how to better avoid MSG, the headaches are now a rarity!
I would be pro, especially for the microbiota. Even if I'm not a pro-superfood, I eat them because I like them and they bring variety in my diet. I do my own lacto-fermentations, they are easy to make and easy to see if the process went wrong. Kimchi is a bit spicy for me, however I do Saurkraut, grated carrots and oranges... they are wonderful in a salad. I would say, take some and look for what it does to you.