Mouth Thrush?: Hi New Friends, Has anyone... - CLL Support

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Mouth Thrush?

ETFitz1 profile image
24 Replies

Hi New Friends,

Has anyone experienced problems with mouth thrush before? I've had some weird rash for about 3 weeks that has gone undiagnosed despite 3 different doctor visits. I see my oncologist today for followup.

If you've experienced this, how did you treat it?


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ETFitz1 profile image
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24 Replies
mrsjsmith profile image

Yes strangely I did have it a few years ago. I have a very clued up dentist who was very concerned about white spots in my mouth and was about to send me off for a biopsy, but after discussing and I said I had been on a lot of antibiotics recently she decided it was mouth thrush. Afraid I don’t remember the name of the products she gave me, there were several with the same name and the gel tasted disgusting but cleared it up quickly.

Good luck


noeagaman profile image

I have had it ever since I started FCR and it continues a year after that ended. I take a little pink pill for it, but can't remember the name. I look on the bottle when I get home from work and let you know. I also used Biotine mouth rinse during FCR which helped.


mrsjsmith profile image
mrsjsmith in reply to noeagaman

Chris we must stop having the same problems !

How’s the itching. Record heat in the U.K. is playing havoc with mine 🙁

ETFitz I just googled it and it will be anti fungal treatment so yes best you discuss with your oncologist as some are contra with Ibrutinib.


noeagaman profile image
noeagaman in reply to mrsjsmith

Colette, LOL yes we do need to stop having the same problems...:)

The itching has just about completely gone away since I started taking Gabapentin again. I only get a little itching on my head now. It's no where near as bad as it had been. I'm hoping that it continues this way because it went away when I stopped taking Septra and then came back with a vengence after a week. We have a cool spell here right new so maybe that has something to do with it too. It's only in the low 90's here in south Texas where it is normally 100 or more in the summer. We have not hit 100 once yet this year. There have only been 23 years when it has not hit 100 here. Hopefully your heat wave will subside soon.


mrsjsmith profile image
mrsjsmith in reply to noeagaman

Good news Chris 🙂

MsLockYourPosts profile image
MsLockYourPostsPassed Volunteer in reply to noeagaman

Chris - I hope that you are knocking lots of wood after making your statement about cooler summers! I was just thinking that our weather has been milder than expected. (Southern California) it is now proving me wrong.

noeagaman profile image
noeagaman in reply to MsLockYourPosts

Yes, that statement will probably come back to haunt me sooner or later. I have lived here for 11 years now and have not seen a summer without a few 100 plus degree days. A few years ago we had 52 days in a row over 100. That was not miserable.


JigFettler profile image

I just need to check - mouth thrush? Have you had a fungal culture proven from an oral swab? Other causes for a sore mouth exist.

To that end a good dental surgeon would know.

3 Dr Visits and no respite seems harsh. Have you had oral fungal treatment?

Behind every successful treatment lies a correct diagnosis.


MsLockYourPosts profile image
MsLockYourPostsPassed Volunteer

Toothdoctor I would be interested in your input on this.

emmiekay profile image

Yes, I got mouth thrush after taking Levaquin and was able to get rid of it by rinsing and gargling with a hydrogen peroxide and water rinse. Twice a day.

I always get mouth thrush after taking antibiotics. Try a mouthwash with hexetidine and gargle three times a day with salt.

With CLL you may had got an overgrowth of bacteria in your mouth.

MartyR profile image

Hey ETFitz1,

Whilst I have not yet suffered from this infection / fungus , my Haematologist recently changed my steroid prescription. With the new Steroid he said there may be a risk of a mouth infection so I have to check for white spots and use NYSTAN oral suspension - 3/4 times a day if it occurs.

I hope this helps,


Proverbs 18 : 14 A person’s spirit can sustain him through illness, But who can bear a crushed spirit

Ginajetta profile image
Ginajetta in reply to MartyR

MaertR how are you dong. I have been thinking about you. I certainly appreciate your scriptural quotes. 💕

WarriorPrincess4 profile image

Hi ETFitz1, welcome to our forum! I'm on Zanubrutinib for almost a year now and a few months ago I also had a rash in my mouth. The inside of my mouth was covered in tiny bumps and red blotches. Not painful but felt like my mouth was lined with soft sandpaper. I sent a picture to my Haematologist and he prescribed a bicarbonate mouth rinse. It did take a few weeks before it cleared up. Oh and my salivary ducts were also blocked, first the top ones and once those got better the one under my tongue started acting up. Everything cleared up nicely even though no one really knew what it was. Hope your mouth rash clears quickly too! 🌷

ETFitz1 profile image
ETFitz1 in reply to WarriorPrincess4

You couldn't have described it better! That is exactly what is going on with me! I saw my oncologist on Friday and she prescribed me a rinse and a pill.

Thank you for your post.

Dawn-Marie profile image

Nystatin swish and spit or swallow is what the doctors prescribe. I ve had a lot of patients with thrush.

Mamayoda profile image

I’ve started getting thrush as soon as I was hospitalized two years ago, before any treatment. In the two years since I’ve had it about 5 times- I always do nystatin oral swish- which is gross. I tend to get frequent mouth sores. I also now get Eczema- which I Never had prior. It appears as an itchy rash in my leg and would not go away- I recently notice it on my eye lids and behind my ear lobes. A Dr. prescriped a few different things, but it always came back. The dermatologist prescribed Betamethasone-Valerate cream for my leg and hydrocortisone on eye lids. I wonder if you have eczema.

Famburt profile image

I got thrush immediately following my sixth and last FCR treatment. I was actually diagnosed over the phone. My mouth felt perpetually dry and no amount of water consumption was helping, as well as I had a thick white coating on my tongue. No pain at all. After calling in and describing my symptoms to a cancer clinic nurse, my oncologist prescribed an oral antibiotic that I has to swish around my mouth for a minute and then swallow. Can’t remember what it was called, but it tasted like bitter bananas and did the trick. Hope yours clears up quickly!

vog292 profile image

It may be generally wise to rinse mouth after every ingestion with warm slightly salty water. Also wise clean mouth several times a day with some interdental proxy brushes and a soft toothbrush, followed with rinse of warm salty water: This only takes a couple minutes.

JustAGuy profile image

Yes, or at least I think so. A year and a half ago I had a stomach issue, extreme pain and painful gas. The hematologist prescribed an antibiotic for the stomach problem and an anti fungal to rinse with, I looked it up, and it was for thrush.

Purple_lady9999 profile image

I had thrush about a month ago when I was hospitalized for low white counts. Mine was so bad that it also affected my esophagus. I got Diflucan and Nystatin swish and swallow. I was off ibrutinib because of the low white counts - you shouldn't take diflucan with ibrutinib.

LovecuresCLL profile image

Mycelex Troche dissolves in your mouth like a lozenge. That will get rid of the fungus Candida. If that doesn’t work cultures on your mouth to see what species of candida it is. Some species can develop resistance to certain meds. A good ENT doctor or an internist should be able to figure out what’s going on. With the right med it should clear up.

Good luck.

Twas profile image

I have been prone to thrush since starting treatment. Once I got it cultured but came back negative. Dr gave me nystatin mouth rinse and I use it as soon as symptoms start. I don't drink often and I eventually found a corrolation between having a beer or two and waking up all coated. I gave up the beer and ale. I now stick to vodka or hard cider and have had no problem for months now. Call me crazy! Lol

jaysearch profile image

Hi: After 2 meds didn't work, my Dr gave me lozenges named Clotrimazole. They dissolve in the mouth, and worked great. I have also used Baking Soda mouth rinses whenever I feel like it might be coming back (after taking antibiotics for other stuff). So far no recurrence. Good luck.

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