I was diagnosed in 2010 with CLL and on W&W. I am now troubled with persistant cold sores on my nose or mouth. Tried the usual creams but still come back. Does any one have the same problem?
Cold Sores: I was diagnosed in 2010 with CLL and... - CLL Support
Cold Sores

Hi. I wouldn’t say I have persistent cold sores but most definitely more than I used to. I had just had a couple in quick succession when I went to see my haematologist last week and she prescribed Aciclovir anti-viral tablets.
I too was plagued by frequent outbreaks of cold sores but a prophylactic dose of antiviral drug Aciclovir 200mg 2 or 3 times a day has kept me totally free of them for almost two years now.
Hi. I had cold sores along with burning lips and tongue. I found out that I was very low in lysine (an amino acid) along with other amino acids. I now take a protein supplement that’s custom built for me based on my blood profile that I have checked every three months. Taking this has made the difference.
You should probably be on acyclovir as a precaution for herpes. I also had mouth and nasal sores; B12 shots & IVG helped so now have very little symptoms
thank you.
I've been plagued with canker sores since college. I was diagnosed with CLL 8 months ago. I have this one mouth ulcer right now that hasn't gone away in over 2 months. I am freaking out over it fearing that with my luck it's cancer. Just came back from an ENT, tomorrow they're gonna be removing it. He can't say if it's cancerous or not but he did bring up that people with CLL tend to get more ulcers and those ulcers tend to stay longer. I've also tried virtually everything to eliminate the mouth ulcer to no avail.
I developed canker sores as well as all of the skin on the inside of my mouth peeling off. It was recommended from someone on this site to try oil of oragano so I do and it totally works for me. It’s very potent so you only need a drop on your toothbrush with your paste or you can take it orally in water. It inexpensive and has many natural healing properties. Worth a try!
I use Nelson's Nat Mur (Natrum Moriaticum) a Homeopathic remedy available from many pharmacies. As soon as I feel the tingle, take a couple of these tiny pills, dissolve on tongue, then again at intervals and the cold sore doesn't't develop. Much better than any creams !