I am 55 years old on watch and wait. My counts are slowly rising over the last year. I am the primary breadwinner in my family. What can I do for health insurance if I need treatment, become too sick to work, and lose my health insurance? I am too young for medicare and make a reasonable income for now. What options do I have? Not sure Obamacare would be a good option since very few providers accept it. Any thoughts??
Health Insurance Question: I am 55 years old on... - CLL Support
Health Insurance Question

Slow down... you are painting a worst case scenario. These days a CLL specialist can better define the sub category (for want of a better word) of CLL via genetic testing. This will provide insight as to when you may need therapy and what therapy will work best. This will give you a reasonable forecast as to whether you will become too sick to work or just have a treatable chronic illness that will not prevent you from working.

Working on that now. So far I am 13q14 and mutated. But my counts are slowly rising. Just want to be prepared. Thanks for your response
One of the comforts of Obamacare is that you can't be turned down for pre-existing conditions.
If your employer employs 20 or more people they need to offer you cobra which lets you pay 2% more for your current plan. That will over you for awhile.
But don't assume you won't be able to work. I still do even though flying to OH for my clinical trial. I would save my vacation days and make sure I saved enough to go out of pocket on the cobra. Even if you can't work you won't be off that long.
I went on the Medicaid part of Obamacare 6mo ago when I quit my job and am waiting to be old enough for Medicare. At that time I switched from a community hospital Hem/onc to one of the best CLL specialists in Chicago who runs the CLL clinical trials for Northwestern University. I call that trading up. Also if you can't work you can get on SSI disability which will then put you on Medicare.
I made a visit to the SS office. They said that I would probably qualify for disability but there is a 5 month wait before the first check. I was under Ohio Medicaid when I was first diagnosed because I was laid off and looking for work. They paid for everything I needed. I never saw a single bill and never was turned down for any of the testing and tests.