I live in Lincoln Nebraska and have been on watch and wait for 1 year. I have a hematologist but was wondering if there are any cll specialist in my area
Cll specialist in Nebraska : I live in Lincoln... - CLL Support
Cll specialist in Nebraska

Dawn-Marie, found these two-Omaha - Julie Vose
Omaha - James Armitage. Both at the University of Nebraska medical center. Hope this helps. STAY STRONG J.R.

Hi Dawn-Marie,
Here's a link to the CLL Society list.
JR suggested two in Omaha, about one hour from you. If that drive is too far for regular visits, perhaps you can use the CLL expert for annual visits & 2nd opinions, and keep your local Hem Onc or a local GP to work with the expert.
Hi Dawn-Marie, if you don't mind the drive to Omaha, I see Dr Tarantolo. You can see him either at Nebraska Cancer Center on 171st and Center, or at Methodist hospital. He's very good.
Is he a CLL specialist?
Hi Dawn - I had a consult with Dr Vose in Omaha in March and was very impressed . I have since been to University of Kansas, and MD Anderson and currently under their care. Recommend you keep looking until you find someone that satisfies you. I tried to stay with local doctor for the convenience but now realize this was not a productive path.