Hi guys I think I’m taking a cold or something how can I help to try and save giving this to my husband who’s having FCR treatment ???
Cold: Hi guys I think I’m taking a cold or... - CLL Support

Keep more than 6 feet away from him. Sleep in a different room. Make sure he is using clean towels every day. If some of that isn’t possible use a mask on him or yourself that’s A N99 (eg Cambridge masks). And also cough or sneeze info the crook of your elbow (not the hand). Both of you wash hands often using the NHS method. nhs.uk/live-well/healthy-bo...
Adrian gave you great advice. I also clean all the surfaces that one touches with lysol washwipes that I keep on the counter when the cold is active. toilet handles, door handles kettle handles, cupboard door handles, sink taps. sometimes u forget to wash you hands and touch one of these things and then the uninfected rubs their eyes or nose and is exposed.
If this is too busy wash ur hands and then don plastic gloves when u r in the kitchen/bathroom in particular. then u have less to worry about. Hands are the biggest culprit for spreading germs.
You still need to be very conscious about not touching your nose and mouth if you use plastic gloves. As you say, it's spreading germs that's the issue.
You are correct and thank you for making that point. I was trying to make a plug for gloves as there are so many things you touch in a house when you are with others who are infected. Gloves are part of my way of avoiding germs. I realize that washing hands is not enough because as you live in your house every day you forget surfaces that may be infected. When a sick person wants tea for example they might not remember to wash their hands before they touch the kettle cuz they are sick.
Do you find that wearing gloves makes you aware of when you are about to touch your lips, eyes and nose with your fingers? If so, it would work very well to reduce infection transmission, because we do this touching unconsciously and frequently. With cold viruses able to survive on some surfaces for over a day, it does make it extremely challenging to prevent the spread of infection unless it is possible to live in separate parts of the house for up to two weeks. Not easy when you are caring for someone:
Sailormoon11 I hope that you are successful - please let us know.
I don’t wear gloves constantly. I use them as a tool to prevent me from catching germs and they are used in the kitchen and in the bathroom in specific ways. They do keep you aware of what u are touching in every way i.e. your body and/or surfaces. I have to say I don’t touch my nose and mouth when I am wearing gloves because I see the gloves. I have a husband who has come down with three more germs than I have since I was diagnosed. I believe it is the judicious use of gloves, lysol wipes, rigorous hand washing and sometimes masks that has helped me avoid those three germs. I have lymphoid tissue which makes me more susceptible as well as lower neutrophils and have become more vigilant since I became more knowledgeable about Cll and infection.

During cycle 1 FCR I was an inpatient for 4 days. My wife and daughter both went down with upper respiratory infections at home.
I became severely neutropenic as well.
Separate rooms to sleep. Separate towels. Care with cough and sneeze.
Clean surfaces. Handles. Care what you touch. Keep windows open... in theory ventilation to reduce air suspended viral particles
Fastidious attention to hand cleaning and alcohol rubs.
Anyway all well now. I was fine. Neutrophils rising.
Wishing you well.
Great advice.....I followed this as my husband was neutropenic for 5 months...Lastly, eat well and stay hydrated....I also avoided large crowds and sick people. I was so scared I would give my hubby germs. ( We stopped lip kissing even.... just cheek or forehead kissing.) I also was extremely careful preparing his food, and hand washing constantly.
I dunnooooo...this thread is sort of scaring me. I would hope if Renee had a cold I would hug and kiss her and tuck her in and make her food and she would stay in bed and let me. The whole 6 feet apart, sleep alone???? My god the monsters under my bed would surely get me. I'd rather take my chances with Renee right beside me
Infection is not to be taken lightly trust me