Finally got my second opinion @ Moffitt. He agreed with my oncologist that chemo is recommended. His concern is the anemia. I was happy to see it went from 9.3 in March to 9.9. No treatment to improve anemia. Moffitt ( Dr. Pinella) said no rush. Should get my plan started with local oncologist....said 4-6 months I should start treatment. Recommended after 3rd or 4th round to have BMB done because in some cases chemo can be stopped. He said they don't like to recommend chemo over 65. He said I was a good candidate for it.
I am mutated, 13q deletion, no 17p, no trisomy 12, Zap 70 negative. WBC up to 242k...not sure what else to share from labs.
Have appt with my local oncologist on Thurs.
Anyone have similar FISH/ test results that has had chemo?