Has anyone been on Omeprazole when they started taking Ibrutnib. Did you have to stop the Omeprazole or switch to a different antacid?
Omeprazole and Ibrutnib: Has anyone been on... - CLL Support
Omeprazole and Ibrutnib

I’m finding after 6 months on IB ometprazole (spelling?) doesn’t work. Nausea 24/7. Yuk. Thanks for posting.-bill
I've been taking Ranitidine (for stomach acid reflux) for several years but had to increase the dose when i started Ibrutinib. My stomach still isn't right though. Pain a couple of hours after meals and a lot of nausea in the evenings. Haematologist prescribed Omeprazole but it didn't help. The problem is probably made worse by bile reflux caused by gall bladder removal last year.
Seems there are no easy answers to these things, though modifying my diet has helped (though boring). I'll be very interested to hear of others' experiences.
Thanks Paula. With all the other health issues to watch I forgot I no longer have a gallbladder. It does sound like IB is definitely a contributing factor...then again ...
I've been taking Imbruvica for 2 years and I called the Diplomat Pharmacy Pharmacist and asked if it was OK to take Nexium with Imbruvica and he said it was. I then called my doctor and told him what I'd done and he prescribed the Nexium. I take it once in a while for acid reflux but I've never taken it long term. Longest was 3 months and it worked fine for me.

This question should be address to your doctor, oncology pharmacist... or the specialty pharmacist that provides your Imbruvica (ibrutinib).
Thanks Chris-Docs have been trying to sort it out but still no luck.-bill

PPIs taken over a long period of time are known to damage kidney function.
As Chris has said, ask the Drs. If your kidney function is shown to be good, it might be wise to see what other med you can take if you still need something for GERD.

I only needed it for about a week after starting Ibrutinib but it was fine and worked well for me. I still use it very occasionally but Cllcanada is right, you need to speak to your Dr .
I cannot take Omeprazole but was advised at my last appointment to take Ranitidine. I have been buying them and the packet says to take one (75mg) twice daily but is not enough. Can anyone advise if it would be ok to take an extra one, i.e. 3 a day?
I am not sure which meds are the trigger but it is extremely painful (suspect it is the Co-Trimoxazole) as it is worse on the days I take it.
Hi Netty,
I used to take 150 mg Ranitidine in the morning and 75 mg in the evening. But since having stomach problems with Ibrutinib, my doctor has increased the dose to 150 mg twice a day. That has certainly helped, though not entirely solved my stomach problems (which are not entirely due to stomach acid so it gets complicated.)
I get the Ranitidine 150mg on prescription. I think the version people can buy over the counter is only the 75 mg. But according to the bit of paper in the box, 150mg twice daily is a standard dose too.
I hope you get things sorted out, and Ibrutinib will work well for you. I was sorry to hear about your episode of AF last weekend.
Best wishes,
P.S. I've addressed this to NooNoo but I think it will be relevant to you too, uihwki
Thank you Paula. That is really helpful. I will ask my GP about a prescription but When I was diagnosed with low level Vit D, he told me to go and buy it. I will try taking one 75mg with every meal and see how it goes.
Yes, last weekend was not the best - five and a half hours in A&E was not good especially as it seemed to extend the AF event, otherwise doing ok thanks and hoping the stomach will settle down eventually. It is affecting what I eat, including fruit 😒.
Hope you are ok.
Hi Netty
Just been to a shop called home Bargains, they had ranitidine at 2.49 or a brandless version at 0.75p. same amount of grams. Just a thought. Maybe another shop will do the same.
I do so like a bargain.
Same amount of tablets, sorry forgot.
Hi Sue
I think the ones I have now were marked down to a similar price in a local pharmacy - so bought five boxes 😀.
The price isn't really the issue, you just can't buy the stronger ones over the counter but now I know I can take one more, I think they will work.
Five and a half hours in A&E! Not what anyone wants, Netty, and I guess the stress of all that might well have extended the AF event... Glad to hear you're doing well otherwise.
I hope you see some improvement when you take 75 mg of Ranitidine with every meal, but I'm glad you're also going to ask your GP about a prescription. Not so much to save money (as Wroxham says, Ranitidine is not expensive), but because it's good for the doctors to have on record exactly what we're taking.
I understand all too well about these problems affecting what we eat. I'm OK with some fruit, but it's spicy and vinegary things that have become taboo for me. Such a pity...
I'm doing OK, thanks, though my latest Ibrutinib side effect is red/brown blotches on my face, that look odd and feel like sandpaper to touch. Well the doctors are assuming it's due to Ibrutinib, though it could be because I'm taking various other medications as well. Sometimes it takes a certain combination of things to set off other things...
Wishing you a Happy Easter,
We are all different, I have been on Omeprazole for twenty years and Ibrutinib for seven and never had a problem. I take the Ibrutinib at about 6pm and my other drugs at 11pm.occasionally I get acid reflux but just need to watch what I eat and when. I do not double the dose just take a swig of Gaviscon and I am back to sleep.
Hope that continues for you.

I hope that soon someone will give you the answer or that it just goes away for you.
My best wishes are sent.
Hi Sue-If it ain’t one thing its another. As I’ve researched for a replacement drug I’ve discovered that all the gerd medication have cardiac sidefx which unfortunately I can’t risk now that I have congestive heart problems due to afib due to IB. Other than that mrs. Lincoln. Thanks for your note-hope spring is springing over there. be well-b
I have just read in the Daily Mail ( so it must be true 😀) that GPS in the UK have been told to stop prescribing 40 meds, including hay fever, heartburn pain killers, mouth ulcers, headline, suncream, cough mixture, cold relief, anti dandruff shampoo.....
Sorry that should have said pain killers (paracetamol), headlice...