Has anyone taken 3 pills a day and if so....how did it effect you?
Imbruvica: Has anyone taken 3 pills a day and if... - CLL Support

Hi M-I've been on IB for 6 weeks and it been rough-I've had quite a few sidefx worst being Afib. I'm working closely with my specialist and hope to male it through these early stages to settle in to some quality healing. To be sure I am not in the majority so please take my situation as an exception. best of luck-bill
My husband has been on it for 10 days. No side effects so far. His spleen is already considerably smaller, hemoglobin up slightly and he seems to have a bit more energy, though he wasn't too terribly fatigued before starting treatment. We've got our supplies in case he begins to experience side effects. But we feel fortunate so far. Are you beginning it soon, Mrains?

Hi Mrains,
I'm taking 3 Imbruvica capsules a day (140 mg each capsule). Earlier this evening I wrote about how it's affecting me. healthunlocked.com/cllsuppo...
However, as Bill (Hidden ) has said, most people don't have so many side effects, especially not so quickly. I'm sure you'll soon hear from others who have had a much easier time with it. It's good to get all sides of the story.
With any drug, people's reactions can vary greatly and it's hard to predict how each individual will get on. If you're about to start it, I hope you do well - most people do.
Best wishes,
Welcome to the forum Mrains.
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Above is a post written by @Paula to help newcomers
On their CLL journey.
Are you already on Imbruvica treatment? Are you having side effects? It would help to know.
We are a very friendly group, with some very knowledgeable members. Please feel free to post any questions.
Hi Mrains
I've been taking 3 capsules of Ibrutinib for 3 months exactly. Following are my Day-19 & Day-31 postings:
You may click into my profile to look at discussions on when best to take IB & managing diarrhea.
So far, diarrhea has subsided since I delayed breakfast about 2 hours after taking IB around 6-6:30am.
Petechiae (little red dots) come & go but bruising has got worse. As you can see from above that my platelets had decreased after starting IB. Will be having blood work tomorrow and will post my results after that.
Dry & crusty nostril was solved with saline nasal spray.
Tried various hand creams, olive oil, argon oil, burt's bee cuticle cream; but nothing beats the "Working Hands" by O'Keeffe's to prevent cracked fingers.
When my fingers' tip was cracked; I've found that applying just a tiny bit of Neosporin ointment on the cracked site & cover with water proof plaster for a day, worked wonders.
Maybe I'm having slight blurred vision too; thought I need to go check my eye sight soon.
Upper backache & aches in the arms may be due to "degenerated thoracic disc" & my poor posture. Hopefully not from CLL or IB. Seeing chiropractor once a week to fix these achy problems.