Are there any side effects regarding hair? I've read about nails & muscle cramps. Trying to prepare myself before I start.
Ibrutinib & hair: Are there any side effects... - CLL Support
Ibrutinib & hair

My doctor says no, but I have been steadily been losing hair for over a month. Not sure if it is CLL or ibrutinib.
Acalabrutinib makes your hair turn curly (at least for me).

Imbruvica (ibrutinib) made my hair go curly, quite commonly reported by patients...
Omg! My hair is excessively curly!! Maybe mine will go straight? Here’s hoping! 😂
I've been on Ibrutinib since January and doing great. The underneath layer of hair on the back of my head has gotten wavy and is turning darker. My hairdresser pointed it out to me last month. My hair was nearly white, so I've been coloring it a platinum blonde. She has noticed it getting more like a dark salt and pepper from the crown on down. Mainly on the under layers. My hair continues to be thick. If that is my only side effect, I can live with it. Best of luck. Sally (USA)
Everyone has a different experience. I was sad not to get curly hair. Instead, slow thinning. Since taking Biotin for brittle nails and cuticles, my hair seems to be more stable, with better texture, shine and thickening. Nails smoother and a tad stronger, hoping they will start growing again.
Good luck.
My hair has gone really curly and like Sally it has changed colour .I too have noticed that it is quite dark in places .I must admit I don't care for curly hair .Its also quite coarse and lost a lot of its shine .
I have noticed my hair is thinning, dryer, duller, and frizzy since being on ibrutinib. Haven't seen my "real" color in years, so I couldn't tell you if that has changed.
Hi KimiD,
Unfortunately, my hair has also been thinning pretty rapidly for the last couple of weeks along with the other lovely side effects that you describe 😕
When did it stop thinning (if it has!) for you?
I have been on ibrutinib for 13 months and whilst cleaning my shower I found the drain full of my hair. My hair in not falling out, it is snapping off around my forehead and temples, which makes it look like I have had a fringe/bangs cut, which I have not. It has become quite curly as well. My nail problems have now calmed down. I just changed my hair style to accommodate this.

On Ibrutinib - nails terrible but hair much thicker. Sad to say it's not curly, I wish it was!
I've been on ibrutinib for a little over a year. My hair thinned quite a bit for a few months, but now has gotten thicker. I have always had very curly hair, so can't say what effect ibrutinib has had. However, my nails are in horrible shape. I have always had good nails but not now - splitting, cracking, breaking. I am also having strange cramps in my fingers and a smaller amount in my toes.
I agree with you about the nails. I have been on Imbruvica for 14 months. My fingernails were good and strong until about 2 months ago. I am taking Biotin, but nothing great yet. I get cramps in my hands that turn the outer side of my hand and my index finger locks. I cannot move it until I press my hand on a flat surface to get it to relax. All the time it is deformed I have serious pain. Do you have the same problem? I get spasms all over, but sometimes my ankle will kick and I have to stand and get it to release, as if it were snapping back in place. I am doing really well, numbers wise, in Ibrutinib if only the side effects would diminish.
I do get horrible hand and foot cramps. Making sure I'm getting plenty of water seems to help, but some days nothing helps.
Thanks kimiD,
I am better with the cramps lately. I find that I get more hand cramps when the weather is cold and my hands are real cold. I drink plenty water as well, and you are right some days are just those cramping days. If I could get my hair and fingernails to do better, all would be pretty good. I take biotin every day, twice a day and though it has helped, it still has not done very much for much for my nails. They are very brittle and snag on everything. I keep polish on them as this is the only way I can make them feel human. That may not be the best, but don't know what else to do.
Best of luck with your cramps.

My hair got coarser and curlier. Brian
Just an FYI, I have been having such miraculous results with Monat Haircare, that my hair finally stopped breaking and thinning and is quite incredibly strong and growing again. All natural-based, free of all the waxes and silicones and chemicals... I signed up as a Market Partner in order to get a bigger discount because I was also ordering for my daughter who lost so much hair from her gastric sleeve surgery . However I have had so many people come to me for help after they saw my results that I have now become a bigger part of that company. That’s all I can say is if you’re having any hair issues at all to check it out. It changed my life and this was even before the medication .. I anticipate they will keep my hair in good condition at least I have my fingers crossed!!
Hi was looking for help with thinning, breaking hair on Ibrutinib and saw your info on here.
Are you on Ibrutinib and is the Monat hair care still helping???🙏🏻
I never used that product. My hair eventually stopped being an issue on its own. The texture is changing , but slowly.
Yes I have used nothing else and it really is a Godsend. Helps maintain hair growth and thickness. I still thin and break from time to time (menopause? Ibrutinib? CLL?) but their wonderful range of products has saved me. So much so I became a distributor,. I don't believe I will ever use anything else again. Very clean product, Natural based and a wide variety of products for all sorts of issues.
I do. (Contact information deleted - Admin) and I can give you more contact info from there if you wish.
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I've been on Imbruvica for 6 months now, and my hair texture has changed. It is very thin and looks fried. I'm so upset with it. 😥