Hello everyone.
I have been reading posts from last couple of weeks and have now decided to introduce myself.
I was diagnosed on 13th April with stage A CLL.
I am still in shock.
I am 58 and went to my GP in March thinking I had gallstones.
She ran some tests and then called me on March 20th to tell me my WBC was raised. I presumed I had infection, but she said my CRP was normal and it was probable CLL and she would be referring me to a Haematologist.
I must admit the bottom fell out of my world at that point.
And I am still trying to get my head round it. For the next 7 days I underwent CT scan , colonoscopy, and was then diagnosed with Stage A CLL. Watch and wait.
I have just seen Haematologist again as I noticed lymph node in neck. My lymphocytes are now 49. They were 37 in March.
Haematologist has also told me I have Trisomy 12.
I am continuing to work as a midwife part-time, and trying to be positive about the whole thing.
My biggest concern is the treatment side of things, as my Consultant thinks I will need treatment in next couple of years .
Would be grateful for any advice from this wonderful group?