Experience with peroxide or ozone therapy? - CLL Support

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Experience with peroxide or ozone therapy?

astley profile image
9 Replies

I was diagnosed a few years ago with CLL and am asymptomatic right now. I have a lymphocyte count around 40 and climbing slowly but steadily. A naturopath recommended OZONE and peroxide IV therapies. I am naturally skeptical but wondered if anyone has had a positive experience with these types of IV therapies.

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astley profile image
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9 Replies
Cllcanada profile image
CllcanadaTop Poster CURE Hero

Peroxide has been looked at in CLL cells perhaps 10 years ago...never got too far out of the lab...

As I recall they found that hydrogen peroxide levels were elevated in CLL ...not sure you want more.


Mcpill profile image

This is so interesting. When I was first diagnosed my primary doctor and I were chatting about the disease. He mentioned one patient who had apparently done some research and decided peroxide (not the kind you can buy in the stores), was the way to go. He treated himself - no IV. Apparently he cured himself. A surprise to all. Can't remember much now, but i looked into peroxide a bit and if I remember correctly, you needed a special grade peroxide which needed clearance to be ordered in the US. That was enough for me, though I doubt I would have tried it anyway. I will stick to the proven treatments for now. So many wonderful new drugs, and so much research currently being done.

goneblonder profile image
goneblonder in reply to Mcpill

It is 35 % food grade, you can get it on Amazon. I take 6 drops per day, it helps me with pain, stiffness . It is supposed to oxygenat your blood killing cancer cells. You must start with one drop in 8oz water / juice and work your way up. I've read that 35 drops is what your aimming for, to really fight the cancer. It upsets my stomach it I do more than 6 at a time. I just do it 4 times per day. I am not telling anyone to do this, just sharing my experience with it.

Mcpill profile image
Mcpill in reply to goneblonder

Thanks for the infor. Doubt I will try it, because of the imbruvica I am on, but if the drugs stop working, I just may. Good luck!

AussieNeil profile image
AussieNeilPartnerAdministrator in reply to Mcpill

DO NOT take hydrogen peroxide as there's a high risk of death or permanent disability - "Ingesting high-concentration peroxide can cause embolisms affecting the cardiac, respiratory and neurological systems, leading to permanent disability or death," said lead study author Benjamin Hatten, MD, MPH, of the University of Colorado School of Medicine in Aurora, Colo. "Though touted by the alternative and complementary medicine communities as 'super water,' peroxide should not be ingested for any reason.

Dr. Hatten examined 10 years of poison control records for high-concentration peroxide ingestion (concentration strength of 10 percent or greater). Almost 14 percent (13.9 percent) of reported cases had embolic events and 6.8 percent of cases either died or exhibited continued disability. (My emphasis)


Wikipedia has a good overview of its alternative medicine use and states 'the effectiveness is scientifically questionable and in some cases it may even be fatal.' and 'Large oral doses of hydrogen peroxide at a 3% concentration may cause irritation and blistering to the mouth, throat, and abdomen as well as abdominal pain, vomiting, and diarrhea.[56] Intravenous injection of hydrogen peroxide has been linked to several deaths.

The American Cancer Society states that "there is no scientific evidence that hydrogen peroxide is a safe, effective or useful cancer treatment."[57] Furthermore, the therapy is not approved by the U.S. FDA.'



Mcpill profile image
Mcpill in reply to AussieNeil

Thanks. Will definitely not take it.

goneblonder profile image

I do, and will because it stops my shoulder pain.

jaysearch profile image
jaysearch in reply to goneblonder

How are you doing on the Hydrogen Peroxide for your CLL? Just read your post from a year ago. Jay

AussieNeil profile image

You need to do much more research before making unsubstantiated claims and denigrating both researchers that have committed their lives to curing CLL and the thousands of members who have successfully controlled their CLL using proven treatments documented in thoroughly reported clinical trials - also reported in this community. Many of them reach much lower lymphocyte counts than yours during treatment and improve their other symptoms; swollen lymph nodes and spleen, anaemia and low platelets, fatigue and so on...

CLL specialists don't get all that concerned with lymphocyte counts below 30 due to the natural rise and fall of lymphocyte counts. Given about 30% of us don't need treatment, your improvement in your lymphocyte count could be due to the indolent nature of your illness - particularly given you haven't mentioned any other symptoms.


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