My mom at 87 was diagnosed with B Cell lymphoma and passed March of 2016. A year plus after being diagnosed. I was diagnosed with CLL July 2016 at 58yrs old. Are they associated in any way? My doctor says no.
CLL and B Cell lymphoma : My mom at 87 was... - CLL Support
CLL and B Cell lymphoma

Hi Teddy, I'm so sorry to hear about your mum and doubly sorry to hear you too have been diagnosed with CLL. There is believed to be a familial link and you may find the information contained in this previous post useful; - others may have more up to date research on the subject.
Cute little dog

Familial CLL is defined as a CLL case with at least one blood relative with CLL.
Mayo Study
However, this can include relatives with other lymphomas new studies have found, like NHL, Burkett's, Folicular, Marginal Zone, Hairy Cell Waldenströms and so on.
I was diagnosed with CLL 19 years ago, my sister was diagnosed this fall. Familial CLL is very rare in siblings...
Perhaps you want to consult a doctor, who is more familiar with Familial CLL
there was a paper published for the American Hematology conference this year and it seems there are links. My Dad died of Nhl and I have CLL and my heme said they are linked. you might wish to look up the study about genetic links for firat degree relatives.
Sorry first degree relatives. my siblings and daughters have a strong chance of getting CLL in particular.
Hi Teddy405
I have one brother with cll and one without, also, a cousin with NHL. I suspect it has come down through my mother's family.
Maybe not so rare. Concern as always it what we pass down to our children.
So despite your doctors comment I would have some suspicion that there could be a link.
How are you ?
Best wishes

The first degree relative study can be found at this link
I don't know the answer but you have one cute puppy! My best to you. I am going into treatment soon.
not enough is known about familial CLL but for now, live well.