Pleased to find I am on stageA with CLL so another appointment in 5 months,such a relief to be on watch and wait. Long may it continue as there is so much I want to do in life! I have learnt so much from site. Any advice on diet welcome I have started to eat more green veg . Thanks
First Haematology: Pleased to find I am on... - CLL Support
First Haematology

Not so much on diet, but some general things. I have just seen one of the top CLL experts at MD Anderson. Will most likely be in watch and wait for a long time. Main things he told me are: since We are at an increased risk for infection, we should be put on antibiotics if our temp reaches 101 F. We should also have a prevnar 13 pneumonia vaccine, followed by the other pneomovax 8 weeks later. Repeat pneomovax every 5 years, flu shots every year. No live vaccines like the shingles vaccine. Use sunscreen and cover up because of increased skin cancer risk. See dermatologist yearly. Hope this helps. Feel free to keep asking questions here. So many knowledgable and caring people are here!
Good advice baq. Aneenor I am trying supplements, garlic, green tea and curacumin. Also losing weight to try and get slimmer! Walking more and have an allotment to get fitter and eat healthier
Healthy diet. Healthy lifestyle. Have the odd sin but have a good time and enjoy life.
My husband has CLL, W&W, symptom free. We both decided on healthier lifestyle, healthier foods, healthier attitude. It makes him feel like he has control of his life back.
My husband was on watch and wait for 17 yrs and had no problems just the odd chest infection. He completed a six month of chemo (f c r ) in June and was told in October he is in remission .Try and keep as well as you can and carry on with life as normal thats what we did it worked for us.We are now planning holidays and keeping positive. hope this helps
Thank you that's very encouraging.
Hi there and welcome (we are almost at the same stage) - I have started having green tea (with honey & lemon do not like it on its own!) and every morning (to give me a boost) I have half a lemon with one spoonful of honey, dissolved in hot water, drinking it when it is warm. I must admit this has helped give me a kick start every day before I eat anything. Am wondering about turmeric - will ask my consultant in Feb. Like Sparky1086 walking (10k steps a day) plus avoiding unnecessary stress! I have just returned to work after three weeks off - having a busy job I was just plain exhausted and not sleeping, so don't hesitate to visit your GP if you feel out of sorts - it did me the power of good, both mentally and physically. Final bit of the recipe is plenty of good times, with those special people in your life - just what the doctor ordered! Keep me posted on how you get on.