While not CLL related, the question of whether we should cut back/halt our alcohol consumption is a common question at diagnosis. We now have a study that confirms a suspicion held but previously unproven regarding the supposed benefits of moderate alcohol consumption. From Healthday News as published in Psychiatry Advisor:
"Tanya Chikritzhs, PhD, professor and director of the Alcohol Policy Research team at Australia's National Drug Research Institute in Perth, and colleagues contend that previous reviews missed an important limitation: People who abstain from drinking often do so because they're ill. As a result, the researchers said, abstainers are more likely to die earlier, a fact that can throw off findings about the influence of alcohol consumption on life span.
The team examined 87 studies and removed those that didn't take into account the fact that abstainers may avoid drinking due to illness. After the study authors "corrected" this issue, Chikritzhs told HealthDay, they found no sign of a life span benefit from moderate drinking."
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